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Letter 1962C Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the letter telling me?

This letter confirms your written request for a Direct Debit Installment Agreement has been approved. It explains the fees we charge for establishing your agreement. It also explains what to do if you qualify for a Low Income Fee Reduction.

What do I have to do?

Be sure to have the amount of your payment in your checking account by the due date in the letter.

What happens if the funds are not available?

If you are unable to have sufficient funds in your checking account, you must call us at least 10 days prior to your payment due date.

How much time do I have?

The customer has to make one manual payment before we can begin to take payments electronically.

What happens if I don't take any action?

If you do not ensure there are sufficient funds in your checking account, then your installment agreement will default. Your bank may charge you fees for insufficient funds.

Who should I contact?

The telephone number will be provided in your acknowledgement letter.

What if I don't agree or have already taken corrective action?

If you do not agree with this letter, call us immediately at the number included. We will do our best to help you. If you have called us about this matter before, but we did not correct the problem, you may want to contact the Office of the Taxpayer Advocate.

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 2012-08-03