Answer to Your Question

Does ONC offer any training in Health IT or EHR training?

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology's (ONC's) Community College Consortia Program established non-degree health IT training programs at 82 member colleges across the country. The programs, which can be completed in six months or less, are designed for professionals with an IT or health care background.

ONC also established the University-Based Training Program, which offers post-graduate certificate and master’s degree programs in health IT.

Contact the college or university in your region for more information on courses, enrollment, distance learning, and financial aid.

Health IT Workforce and Training

For information on health information technology (IT) careers, see the following top five resources. The Healthcare Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) developed a health (IT jobs board...
Contact one of the 82 member community colleges across the country about distance learning opportunities for health IT training programs. For more information, visit the Community College...

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