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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Steve ScaliseSee All
    • Congratulations
      7 hours ago
    •  Angela TwoDat Alef 9:08am Nov 4 Louisiana is among 21 states/territories in which voter registration is closed to our military. NOW is the time to help them to get their votes counted! Wherever your military friend/relative is, encourage... them to hit the link below: ... --They will readily see whether or not registraton is still open to them. --If registration is closed in their state/territory, they will be able to cast their vote. --If registration is still open for them, they are able to register and vote all at the same time! Please, post on any military forums, FB pages and websites that you can find! Request a Federal Write-in Absentee the Heroes Vote Initiative See More Request a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot the Heroes Vote Initiative See More Request a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot the Heroes Vote Initiative.
      1 · Sunday at 7:35am
    • Joshua Delano
      November 3 at 12:45pm
    • Deliver this to the President: BENGAZI, We Know, Mr. President! Fast & Furious, We Know, Mr. President How many more, not in the(liberal) news, YET, Mr. President? Busing in Immigrants (legal & ILLEGAL) to vote; We Know, Mr. President! More Leverage After the Election for Russia?! We Know, Mr. President. Supporting and aiding our enemies, We Know, Mr. Presdent. We the People Know, Mr. President!
      November 2 at 10:23am

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