
Election season is upon us, and here at Teacher at Sea, we are taking our own poll.
You get to decide on what fish we feature as our Photo of the Week on November 6th.
So put down your party line and pick up your fishing line because we want YOUR vote!


Andrea Schmuttermair with a Red Snapper
Photo taken by Margaret Stephens of Nate Bacheler holding a snapper
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The Red Snapper Platform

A.K.A.: Snapper, Genuine Red Snapper, American Reds, Spot Snapper
  1. 1. Harvested off the southeastern U.S. for well over a century, Red Snapper is an iconic American fish, extremely popular among commercial and recreational fishermen alike. Scientists recently confirmed that the Gulf Red Snapper stock is rebuilding as planned and that commercial catch has not exceeded the allowable catch limit.

  2. 2. Red Snapper are generally found at depths between 30 and 620 feet along the eastern coast of North, Central, and northern South America and in the Gulf of Mexico. They are rare north of the Carolinas.  Red Snapper tend to be redder the deeper the water they live in. They have a long triangular face with the upper part sloping more strongly than the lower.

  3. 3. Scientists from NOAA’s Southeast Fisheries Science Center monitor the abundance of Red Snapper stocks. Scientists, managers, and stakeholders assess the status of these stocks through the Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR) process.

  4. 4. Recipe: Seared Snapper with Roasted Chipotle Broth Recipe
    (courtesy of fishwatch.gov)


Teacher at Sea Johanna Mendillo with a pollock
Photo taken by Teacher at Sea Allan Phipps of Johanna Mendillo holding a pollock.
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The Alaska Pollock Platform

A.K.A.: Pollock, Walleye Pollock, Pacific Pollock
  1. 1. The Alaska Pollock fishery is one of the largest, most valuable fisheries in the world. Pollock produce the largest catch of any single species inhabiting the 200-mile U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. Today, Alaska pollock is the primary "fish-stick fish." It is also the fish used in many fast-food fish sandwiches, and the mild-tasting fish is regularly used in imitation crab.

  2. 2. Alaska Pollock are found throughout the North Pacific Ocean but are most concentrated in the eastern Bering Sea. Pollock is a member of the cod family. They can grow to a maximum size of over 3 feet but average 12 to 20 inches in length and 1/2 to 2 pounds in weight.

  3. 3. NOAA Fisheries uses scientific data to develop regulations and provide in-season management measures that control the fishery and ensures that catches are below all of the imposed limits. The Alaska pollock fishery is widely recognized as one of the best managed fisheries in the world.

  4. 4. Recipe: Pollock Encrusted with Caramelized Onion Recipe
    (courtesy of fishwatch.gov)

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