Europe Schools Curriculum & Programs

Europe Schools

Deputy Area Superintendent of Instruction:
DSN: (314) 338-7206

Admin. Support Assistant:
DSN: (314) 338-7824

APO Mailing Address:
Office of the Director, DoDDS-Europe
ATTN: Education Division
Unit 29649, Box 7000
APO AE 09002

DSN: (314) 338-7824
Local: 0611-380-7824
From US: (+49)-611-380-7824

DSN: (314) 338-7565
Local: 0611-380-7565
From US: (+49)-611-380-7565

Student Support Services

DoDEA professional school counselors facilitate and support academic, career and personal social development of all students. "Further their goal is to enhance and contribute to students’ academic achievement and learning to ensure that all students are successful and prepared for the future".

School counselors provide culturally competent services to students, parents/guardians, school staff and the community in the following areas:

School Guidance Curriculum

This curriculum consists of structured lessons designed to help students achieve the desired competencies and to provide all students with the knowledge and skills appropriate for their developmental level. The school guidance curriculum is delivered throughout the school's overall curriculum and is systematically presented by professional school counselors in collaboration with other professional educators in K-12 classroom and group activities.

Individual Student Planning

Professional school counselors coordinate ongoing systemic activities designed to help students establish personal goals and develop future plans. The activities of this component are intended to help all students plan, monitor, and manage their own learning and meet academic, career, and personal/social competencies. As part of this component, school counselors help students make the transition from school to school, school to work, and school to postsecondary education..Individual student planning is provided through strategies such as individual or small group advisement, planning, or appraisal. Topics addressed may include the following: developing four-year plans; career and academic advising; academic and career decision making; course selection; test results interpretation; interest inventories; postsecondary institution selection; and financial aid for postsecondary education.

Responsive Services

The responsive services component consists of activities to meet students’ immediate needs and concerns. The purpose of the activities of this component is to help students whose concerns or problems are interfering with their personal/social, career, or academic development. Examples of issues include academic success, dropping out of school, death, relationships, substance abuse, stress, self-mutilation, suicide, child abuse, or school attendance. The activities of this component are available to all students and may be initiated by self-referral or referral by others (e.g., teachers, parents, guardians).

System Support

The system support component consists of management activities that establish, maintain, and enhance the school counseling program and support other programs in the school. School counselors use their leadership and advocacy skills to promote system change.

What Does a School Counselor Do?