Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Welcome to FHFA-OIG’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) page. This page provides basic guidance regarding FHFA-OIG’s implementation of the FOIA, to facilitate your efforts to obtain FHFA-OIG records to the extent permitted by the FOIA and by other applicable statutes. This guidance does not constitute binding legal advice, and is not intended to substitute for your personal review of the FOIA and other authorities that apply to your search for records.

What is the FOIA?

The FOIA is a federal statute which requires federal agencies to provide certain records upon request. See 5 U.S.C. § 552. The FOIA also includes several exemptions that permit agencies to refuse to provide an otherwise-responsive record – or a portion thereof – if an exemption applies. Id. §§ 552(b)(1)-(9).

Do I need to submit a FOIA request to obtain FHFA-OIG records?

Not necessarily. FHFA-OIG provides certain records in digital form in its Electronic FOIA Reading Room. These records may be reviewed and downloaded for free, and no FOIA request for the records need be submitted in order to do so.

If FHFA-OIG’s Electronic FOIA Reading Room does not include the records you seek, please also review the separate Electronic FOIA Reading Room maintained by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). FHFA’s Electronic FOIA Reading Room may contain the records you seek.

If the records you seek are not included either in FHFA-OIG’s Electronic FOIA Reading Room or in FHFA’s Electronic FOIA Reading Room, please feel free to submit a FOIA request for the desired records.

How do I submit a FOIA request for FHFA-OIG records?

You may submit a FOIA request for FHFA-OIG records in any one of the following ways:

FOIA Officer
Federal Housing Finance Agency
400 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024

  • E-mail your request to
  • Mail your request (via U.S. Mail or express mail) to the following address:
  • Fax your request to (202) 649-1073.

PLEASE NOTE: No telephone requests will be accepted.

Requests for FHFA-OIG records will be forwarded to FHFA-OIG for processing and direct response. Please be as specific as possible regarding the records you want. If you don't know the exact title for a particular record, please provide a reasonable description in order to shorten processing time.

Does it cost money to obtain records under the FOIA?

It might. Fees arising from your request may vary, depending upon the amount of records to be produced, the time it takes to search for those records, and the time it takes to review those records to determine whether FOIA exemptions or other statutes prohibit disclosure. Also, certain categories of FOIA requesters are entitled to greater or lesser relief from FOIA fees, as provided in FHFA’s FOIA regulation. FHFA-OIG abides by FHFA’s FOIA regulation in this regard.

Where can I turn for additional information?

  • The FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552
  • FHFA’s FOIA regulation, 12 C.F.R. part 1202

Electronic FOIA Reading Room