Visitor Information & Tours

Visitor Information

Access to the Oak Ridge user facilities involves a two-fold process: (1) the review and approval of the user’s proposal and (2) an executed agreement between the user institution and UT-Battelle.

Acceptance of proposals depends on scientific merit, suitability of Oak Ridge facilities for the proposed project, and appropriateness of the work to Department of Energy objectives. Once a proposal is approved, the specific operating procedures, time allotted for work, user fees (if any), and collaborative arrangements will be determined.

Users of the facility typically operate remotely, although visitors are welcome. To visit the National Center for Computational Sciences, contact the center.

For more information, see the following pages:

Visitor Information


Airport Information

Driving Directions

About the Region


Visitors to Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) are welcome to take a tour of the National Center for Computational Sciences. The center hosts more than 300 tours each year, giving members of Congress and other government officials, foreign guests, visiting researchers, and student and community groups an opportunity to observe the center’s world-class facilities in action.

Special guided, general orientation, and other “customized” tours are offered primarily for educational groups that are interested in learning more about the history, current missions, and research and development at ORNL. Advance registration is required, and participation is limited to U.S. citizens. Other restrictions apply as well.

For more information about the tour programs, contact Fred Strohl (, 865-574-4165).

Last modified on August 24th, 2009 at 9:01 am