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Manager's Tool Kit

Provides general resources for prevention for invasive species. See other sections for species specific information:

Airport Dog Finds Illegal Food Stowed in Luggage (Mar 26, 2012)
USA Today; AP News.
Izzy, an agricultural detector beagle, works to find foods and plants brought in by visitors that are considered invasive species or banned projects, some containing insects or larvae know to be harmful to U.S. agriculture. "Something as simple as an apple could carry the larva of a Mediterranean fruit fly," said Officer James Armstrong, who supervises the agricultural searches, "which, if it got loose in our citrus crops in the U.S., could cost billions of dollars."

The Benefits of Stopping Invasive Species Before They Invade (Aug 18, 2011)
Time Magazine.
The old saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" was ahead of its time when it comes to invasive species policy."

Best Management Practices for Invasive Species
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
Provides best management practices to prevent or mitigate invasive species establishment or movement.

Guide to Implementation of Phytosanitary Standards in Forestry (2011) / YouTube Rap by Dr. Kerry Britton -- Don't be Bugged by Pests - go FAO!
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAO Forestry Paper 164.
This guide, produced by an international group of scientists, phytosanitary authorities, forest experts and industry representatives and reviewed by more than 100 specialists from 46 countries, provides easy-to-understand information on how good forest management practices and well implemented phytosanitary standards can minimize pest spread and facilitate safe trade. The guide will be of vital interest to people involved in nursery activities, planting, managing, harvesting, manufacturing, trading and transporting forest products. It will also benefit forest policy-makers, planners, managers and educators, particularly in developing countries.


Invasive Species Program: Prevention
USDA. FS. Invasive Species Program.
Includes various videos and publication resources for prevention through education.

APHIS' Plant Inspection Stations: Protecting American
Agriculture From Foreign Pests and Diseases (2007; PDF | 2.6 MB)

U.S. Government Documents (Utah Regional Depository).

Agricultural Information for International Travelers
USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
USDA restricts or prohibits many items from entering the country because they could carry pests or diseases that could threaten human health or devastate the environment, crops, agricultural animals, ornamental plants, and community landscapes.

An Ounce of Prevention: How to Stop Invasive Insects and Diseases from Devastating U.S. Forests (Feb 2007; 556 KB)
The Nature Conservancy. Global Forest Partnership, Forest Health Program.

Beware of Invasive Species
DOT. Federal Highway Administration. Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center.
Adapted from several Department of Transportation sources, primarily Roadside Use of Native Plants, a handbook published by the Federal Highway Administration. Roadside Use of Native Plants provides state-by-state references on the use of native plants and how they can be used to benefit highway projects.

Dangerous Travelers: Controlling Invasive Plants Along America’s Roadways (available on video)
USDA. FS. Invasive Species Program.
Published by: USDA. FS. San Dimas Technology and Development Center; National Forest System Invasive Species Program, DOT, Federal Highway Administration; DOI, Fish and Wildlife Service. This video will help maintenance crews recognize and control noxious weeds along roadsides. Road crews that maintain any type road, from interstate
highways to aggregate roads, are the frontline in preventing the spread of invasive plants.
Note: The video links require Windows Media Player for .wmv files.

Defending Favorite Places: How Hunters and Anglers Can Stop the Spread of Invasive Species
USDA. FS. Invasive Species Program.
The documentary video, Defending Favorite Places, was produced on DVD as part of the National Invasive Species Threat Campaign. Linking invasive species management principles with the hunting and angling conservation ethic is critical as invasive species threaten the future of hunting and fishing. The video links below require Windows Media Player (.wmv):

Denying Entry: Opportunities to Build Capacity to Prevent the Introduction of Invasive Species and Improve Biosecurity at US Ports (2007)
International Union for Conservation of Nature.
The aim of this report was to identify the resources, strategies, and policies necessary to create, maintain, and make accessible one or more commodity/invasive species databases that EPA and other relevant agencies can apply to trade policy decision-making in a timely and scientifically-based manner.

Discussion Paper on the Screening Process for Intentional Introductions (Aug 2000; DOC | 160 KB)
National Invasive Species Council. Richard Orr.

Guidelines, Toolkits and Best Practices
Global Invasive Species Programme.

Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point Planning for Natural Resource Management (HACCP) Plans
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Planning for Natural Resource Management.

Inspection and Cleaning Manual for Equipment and Vehicles to Prevent the Spread of Invasive Species (May 2010; PDF | 13 MB)
DOI. Bureau of Reclamation. Policy and Program Services.
Technical Memorandum No. 86-68220-07-05
This manual provides recommendations for inspection and cleaning of vehicles and equipment as a prevention tool to limit the spread of invasive species. The manual will help equipment operators gain a better understanding of how invasive plants and animals are spread by contaminated equipment into new locations and has broad applications for many organizations and agencies.

IUCN Guidelines for the Prevention of Biodiversity Loss Caused by Alien Invasive Species (PDF | 85 KB)
World Conservation Union.
Prepared by the Species Survival Commission, Invasive Species Specialist Group (Approved Feb 2000)

Invasive Alien Species - A Toolkit of Best Prevention and Management Practices (2001; PDF | 2.4 MB)
CAB International; Global Invasive Species Programme.

Invasive Species: Preventing and Containing the Global Spread of Invaders (PDF | 1 MB)

Archive from the Nature Conservancy, Global Invasive Species Team.

Invasive Species Monitoring Approaches for Volunteer Programs (PDF | 1.63 MB)
University of Wisconsin Extension.
15th Annual National Conference Enhancing States' Lake Management Programs (Apr 24 -26, 2002), Chicago, Illinois, Elizabth Herron

Invasive Species Pathways Working Group: Focus Group Conference Report and Pathways Ranking Guide (June-August 2005) (Jul 2006; PDF | 1.08 MB)
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force.
Published by: National Invasive Species Council, Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, and NISC Prevention Committee Pathways Work Team

Invasive Species Pathways Working Group: Pathways Ranking Guide and Proceedings Report, Focus Group Conference (Jun 21-22, 2005) (Dec 2005; DOC | 3.33 MB)
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
Published by: USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; United States Department of the Interior; United States Department of Commerce.

Invasive Species Pathways Team Final Report (Oct 29, 2003; DOC | 315 KB)
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
Published by: Invasive Species Advisory Committee. Pathways Task Team.

National Detector Dog Manual (2003; PDF | 2.5 MB)
USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

North American Weed Free Forage Program
North American Weed Management Association.
There is a growing demand in North America for the use of certified weed free forage and mulch as a preventative program in integrated Weed Management Systems to limit the spread of noxious weeds. The goal of this standard is to provide a guideline to set minimum requirements
for uniform participation of the various provinces and states in the program.

Pest Detection/Emergency Projects
California Department of Food and Agriculture.

Pets, Aquarium, and Terrarium Species: Best Practices for Addressing Risks to Biodiversity (2010; PDF | 874 KB)
Secreteriat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
CBD Technical Series No. 48
This report is largely based on the 2008 Expert Workshop on Preventing Biological Invasions: Best Practices in Pre-Import Risk Screening for Species of Live Animals in International Trade (University of Notre Dame, Indiana, Apr 9-11, 2008), summarized in the report Best Practices in Pre-Import Risk Screening for Species of Live Animals in International Trade (2009; PDF | 2.1 MB), but contains additional information beyond what was covered in the workshop.

Plant Inspection Stations (Sep 2010; PDF | 39 KB)
USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

Playing Smart Against Invasive Species
USDA. FS. Invasive Species Program.
'Playing Smart Against Invasive Species' videos produced by the USDA Forest Service are excellent resources for education and public outreach. These videos explain how people can enjoy the great outdoors and avoid spreading invasive species along the way. Videos ranging from 6-27 minutes targets outdoor recreational users and includes camping, horseback riding, canoeing, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, biking, and others.

Responses to Questions on the Discussion Paper on the Screening Process (Aug 2000; DOC | 159 KB)
National Invasive Species Council. Richard Orr.

Safeguarding American Plant Resources
USDA. APHIS. Plant Protection Quarantine.

Training and Implementation Guide for Pathway Definition, Risk Analysis and Risk Prioritization (Jan 2007; PDF | 1.36 MB)
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
Published by: Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force (ANSTF) and National Invasive Species Council (NISC) Prevention Committee via the Pathways Work Team.

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Last Modified: Aug 09, 2012
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