Hanford Speakers Bureau
Hanford Speakers Bureau

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hanford?
The U.S. Department of Energy manages the Hanford Site located in southeastern Washington State. Positioned along the Columbia River on 586 square miles of desert land, the region houses nine former nuclear reactors and hundreds of associated processing facilities built to produce the plutonium that supported the nation’s efforts during World War II and throughout the cold War.

Plutonium production at Hanford ended in 1989 and the focus of the Hanford Site changed to environmental restoration: cleaning up millions of gallons of liquid waste and millions of tons of solid waste generated by more than 40 years of producing plutonium.

Hanford Speakers BureauToday the Hanford Site is engaged in one of the largest environmental cleanup efforts in the nation, and much progress has been made. Hanford’s story captivates the interest of audiences in the Pacific Northwest and across the United States. The Department of Energy offers opportunities to learn about Hanford’s role in the nation’s history and to hear about cleanup progress and challenges through the Hanford Speakers Bureau.

What is the Hanford Speakers Bureau?
The Hanford Speakers Bureau is a regional outreach program. Its goal is to provide timely and accurate information about the Hanford Site and foster a dialogue with local, regional, statewide, and national audiences. Experienced, knowledgeable Department of Energy (DOE) and/or Hanford contractor representatives are available to share general or topic-specific information about Hanford with your organization.

What are some of the topics covered by the Hanford Speakers Bureau?
Currently the presentation includes a comprehensive review of the history of the Manhattan Project and the progress of the environmental restoration of the Hanford Site.

Is there a cost associated with requesting a speaker to come to our organization, especially if we are not in the Tri-City area? 
No. The Department of Energy or one of the contractor companies covers all costs associated with our Speakers Bureau program.

How long is a Hanford Speakers Bureau presentation?
We will work with you to meet your organization’s needs and schedule. The most frequent request is for a 20 – 25 minute presentation followed by a question and answer period. 

How can I arrange for a speaker to come and talk with my organization? 
If you are interested in arranging for a presentation or learning more about the Hanford Speakers Bureau, there are three separate ways of having someone from the Hanford Speakers Bureau contact you or your organization.

1. You can call 509-376-3419 and arrange for a presentation from the Hanford Speakers Bureau.

2. To have someone from the Hanford Speakers Bureau contact you to answer any questions and work with you to arrange a presentation, send an email request to HSB@rl.gov

3. Simply complete the Hanford Speakers Bureau Request form located on our website (www.hanford.gov), and email. You can also send in your request via postal mail to:
MSA External Affairs
Attention Speakers Bureau Coordinator,
P.O. Box 650, MSIN A3-03,
Richland, WA 99352. 



Last Updated 09/02/2012 2:36 PM