Learn to Identify Plants

The sites below aim at helping people identify plants within a certain category, such as weeds or wildflowers. Some present "keys" while others present photographs for visual matching. "Keys" are often dichotomous; that is, they offer the user two choices based on a plant's characteristics, and continue to offer choices until the choice is narrowed down to the plant's identity. For example, a tree key might ask are the leaves alternate or opposite, then are the leaves' edges smooth or serrated, etc. until a final decision about the plant's identity is arrived at.

Printed field guides are another aid to identifying plants. Field guides may also present keys, illustrations or both, and may be the handiest identification aides. A field guide generally covers a certain geographic area, such as the eastern U.S. or a particular state or region. See this list of field guides cataloged at the National Agricultural Library.

Recognizing plant families is a good first step in plant identification. Find books that help you learn the families.


ash leaf Leafsnap: an Electronic Field Guide

Columbia University; University of Maryland; and the Smithsonian Institution.

Free mobile app that uses visual recognition software to help identify tree species from photographs of their leaves.

Caulerpa Taxifolia, an Extremely Invasive Seaweed Aquaplant Plant Identification

Texas Agricultural Extension Service.

Conservation Plant Identification Tools and Guides (PDF | 80 KB)

USDA. National Resource Conservation Service. Plant Materials Program.

Dendrology at Virginia Tech

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Department of Forestry.

Discover Life - Trees Identification Guide and Checklist


Choose matching leaf type, shape, margin, and veins; flower color; and fruit color to identify the tree.

Pea Flower Southeastern Flora

John R. Gwaltney.

Presents drop-down boxes for characteristics which lead to photos that help identify specimens from a databases of over 960 species.

Turf & Weed ID Decision Aid

North Carolina State University. Center for Turfgrass Environmental Research & Education.

U.S. National Arboretum Herbarium

USDA. Agricultural Research Service.

Weed Identification

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.

Presents user choices for type of weed, leaf, flower, growth, ligule, and life cycle, and produces a list of possible weed species based on chosen characteristics.

What Plant Family Is It?

University of Cincinnati. Claremont College. J. Stein Carter.

View of a rural main street What Tree Is That?

National Arbor Day Foundation.

Offers illustrated descriptive tags and tools to identify trees by leaf characteristics.

Wildflowers eNature Online Field Guide

National Wildlife Federation.