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Mine Rescue Instruction Guide (IG) Series

   Throughout history, miners have traveled underground secure in the knowledge that if disaster strikes and they become trapped in the mine, other miners will make every possible attempt to rescue them. This is the mine rescue tradition.

    Today's mine rescue efforts are highly organized operations carried out by groups of trained and skilled individuals who work together as a team.

    Regulations require all underground mines to have fully-trained and equipped professional mine rescue teams available in the event of a mine emergency.

    MSHA's Mine Rescue Instruction Guide (IG) series is intended to help your mine to meet mine rescue team training requirements under 30 CFR Part 49. The materials in this series are divided into self-contained units of study called modules. Each module covers a separate subject and includes suggestions, handouts, visuals, and text materials to assist you with training.

    Instructors and trainers may wish to use these materials to either supplement existing mine rescue training, or tailor a program to fit their mine-specific training needs.
  • MSHA 3026
    (Formerly IG 5) - Coal and Metal/Nonmetal Mines

  • MSHA 3027
    (Formerly IG 6) - Metal and Nonmetal Mines

  • MSHA 3028
    (Formerly IG7) - Coal Mines