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Transit & Railroad Police

Also called: Special Agent, Supervisory Special Agent, Patrolman, Transit Police Officer

What they do:
Protect and police railroad and transit property, employees, or passengers.
On the job, you would:
  • Patrol railroad yards, cars, stations, or other facilities to protect company property or shipments and to maintain order.
  • Examine credentials of unauthorized persons attempting to enter secured areas.
  • Apprehend or remove trespassers or thieves from railroad property or coordinate with law enforcement agencies in apprehensions and removals.


Safety and Government
  • public safety and security
  • law and government
Arts and Humanities
  • English language
  • movement of people or goods by air, rail, sea, or road
  • telecommunications


Basic Skills
  • talking to others
  • listening to others, not interrupting, and asking good questions
Problem Solving
  • noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it
  • understanding people's reactions
  • changing what is done based on other people's actions


  • communicate by speaking
  • listen and understand what people say
Ideas and Logic
  • notice when problems happen
  • make general rules or come up with answers from lots of detailed information
Visual Understanding
  • see hidden patterns
  • quickly know what you are looking at
Hearing and Speech
  • recognize spoken words


People interested in this work like activities that include
practical, hands-on problems and solutions.
They do well at jobs that need:
  • Integrity
  • Self Control
  • Attention to Detail
  • Dependability
  • Adaptability/Flexibility
  • Concern for Others


You might use software like this on the job:

Data base user interface and query software
  • Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System IAFIS
  • Law enforcement information databases
Map creation software
  • Crime mapping software
  • MapInfo Professional
Spreadsheet software
  • Microsoft Excel


Education: (rated 3 of 5)
associate's degree
usually needed

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