
Community Advisory Board

Community Advisory Board assists in future planning at Fermilab

Fermilab actively seeks input from the local community on a range of topics regarding present and future research and operations at the laboratory. In 2004, Fermilab charged a Citizens' Task Force to develop the laboratory’s overall approach to public participation and make recommendations for public participation at Fermilab. A second task force used these principles to generate specific input to the planning of the proposed International Linear Collider at Fermilab.

The Fermilab Community Advisory Board, established in fall 2009, continues this relationship between Fermilab and the local community as the laboratory pursues new research projects during its next phase of operations.

Community advisory board focuses on future plans and activities

Meaningful and sustained community input is essential as Fermilab plans, develops and implements new projects for the laboratory’s future. The community advisory board helps to identify public issues and provides ongoing advice and guidance related to the future of Fermilab. Specific activities include:

  • Comment and feedback on proposed new projects
  • Review of proposed construction activities for new projects; providing insight on potential community concerns and advice on how to best mitigate any impacts.
  • Discussion of how changes at Fermilab are likely to affect surrounding communities ; and guidance and insight on how best to integrate new activities at Fermilab with local communities
  • Liaison with local organizations and communities
  • Ongoing input and advice on implementing Fermilab’s public participation program
  • Regular communication with neighbors and other stakeholders to keep them informed about Fermilab activities and to ensure that their issues and concerns are voiced at FCAB meetings.

Fermilab posts the videos and presentations of all board meetings.

About the Advisory Board

The 26 members of the Fermilab Community Advisory Board have been appointed to two-year renewable terms. They represent a broad range of community interests and communicate regularly with neighbors and other stakeholders to keep them informed about Fermilab activities and to ensure that their issues and concerns are voiced at FCAB meetings. The board meets monthly during the first year and bi-monthly to quarterly in subsequent years.

For more information

Please visit www.fnal.gov/pub/neighbors/ or call Katie Yurkewicz at 630-840-3351.