Rep. Johnson aces economic equality report card

Georgia Congressman earns an “A+” fighting for the 99%ers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson (GA-04) announced today that he earned an “A+” and landed on the honor roll for the Washington, D.C. based Institute for Policy Studies report card for supporting legislation and measures to narrow America’s widening economic divide.

“I’m proud of my record of fighting for the middle class, working people and the poor,” said Rep. Johnson. “The policies I pursue and votes I take are all geared toward the 99%ers. The trickle-down theory that suggests we all wait for millionaires’ and billionaires’ wealth to filter down to us has been thoroughly discredited. It’s time to build this nation from the ground up.”

The data used by the new Institute for Policy Studies report card came from 40 different legislative actions over the last two years. The bills considered for the report card ranged from legislation to establish a “Buffett Rule” minimum tax rate that all wealthy Americans must pay to a measure that would raise the minimum wage and index it to inflation.

The new report includes an overall “honor roll” – to highlight those representatives and senators who have done the most to narrow America’s economic divide – as well as a “dishonor roll” of lawmakers who have repeatedly tilted the “1%” way. The report card also details the “most 1% friendly” and “most 99% friendly.”

To see the report, click HERE.
