
Cash For Clunkers

Posted on by Karina

Today, the House passed the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act (H.R. 2751) to bring meaningful reductions in vehicle fleet carbon emissions and fuel consumption while providing much-needed stimulus for our ailing automakers. In the wake of General Motors and Chrysler filing for bankruptcy, layoffs of auto workers, and the closure of car dealerships, this legislation will provide consumers who trade in their old, gas-guzzling vehicles with vouchers worth up to $4,500 to help pay for new, more fuel efficient cars and trucks. This measure will spur the sales of up to 1 million more fuel efficient cars and trucks — creating jobs and shoring up car dealerships — and save over 250 million gallons of gas.

Under this legislation, if you have a vehicle that meets the conditions listed below and has been registered and in use for at least a year, you are eligible for a voucher to put towards a new, more efficient vehicle (miles per gallon figures refer to EPA “window sticker” values):

Passenger Cars
The old vehicle must get 18 mpg or less. New vehicles with improvement of at least 4 mpg will get a $3,500 voucher. New vehicles with improvement of at least 10 mpg will get a $4,500 voucher.

Light-Duty Trucks
The old vehicle must get 18 mpg or less. New vehicles with improvement of at least 2 mpg will get a $3,500 voucher. New vehicles with improvement of at least 5 mpg will get a $4,500 voucher.

Large light-Duty Trucks
The old vehicle must get 15 mpg or less. New vehicles with improvement of at least 1 mpg will get a $3,500 voucher or trade-in of a “work truck.” New vehicles with improvement of at least 2 mpg will get a $4,500 voucher.

Work Trucks
The old vehicle must be a pre-2002 model. New vehicles in the same or smaller weight class will get a $3,500 voucher.

Speaker Pelosi:

(With this bill) we can create and save jobs while addressing the air pollution issue, which is so important to our children's health. We will do this by allowing Americans to trade in their old, gas-guzzling vehicles and receive vouchers worth up to $4,500 to help pay for the new more fuel-efficient cars and trucks. This bill is quite a remarkable piece of legislation and the timing is perfect. And when they trade in these cars, they will strengthen America's auto industry, creating jobs and reducing layoffs and save more than 250 million gallons of gas.

Rep. Betty Sutton (D-OH), the sponsor of the bill:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today on behalf of over 2,000 men and women who work in the Ohio assembly plant in my district, and the approximately 50,000 Ohioans whose jobs are associated with that plant. I rise for the 159,000 Ohioans with auto-related jobs and the three to five million Americans who rely on the auto industry to provide for their families. I rise today on behalf of the environment as we turn the corner to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve fuel economy and to help reduce our reliance on foreign oil. I rise today on behalf of consumers throughout our great country who continue to struggle during this global recession. And I rise today as the proud sponsor of the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act, also known as the CARS Act.

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