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My Voting Record
09-21 603 H R 3409 No
09-21 602 H R 3409 Aye
09-21 601 H R 3409 No
09-21 600 H R 3409 No
09-21 599 H R 3409 Aye

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Congressional Internships

Congressional internships are available in my office throughout the year. This educational experience gives students an opportunity to participate in our nation’s political process. Our interns are given numerous responsibilities that enable them to become more familiar with the activity of a Congressional office. My office seeks candidates that are highly motivated, responsible and capable of independent work. Our internship program attempts to educate our youth about the process and procedure of the federal government.

If you are interested in an internship in my congressional office in Washington, DC please contact:

Erin Ward
2107 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone 202-225-3611
fax 202-225-6393

Or for internships in my congressional offices in Michigan please contact:

Rafael Turner
432 N. Saginaw St., Suite 410
Flint, MI 48502
Phone 810-239-1437
Fax 810-239-1439

Thank you for your interest.

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