US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

FAC Meetings Agenda May 17-19, 2005

  > MPA Federal Advisory Committee  > History  > Agenda

DRAFT Agenda
Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee
Doubletree Hotel
Portland, Maine
May 17-19, 2005

Tuesday, May 17

8:00 Sign-In by All Participants

8:30 Call to Order

8:35 Committee Business
  • Approval of Minutes of February 2004 meeting
  • Review of Agenda
9:00 Fishery Management Councils' MPA-Related Activities
  • Gulf of Mexico, Bobbi Walker, former Chair
  • New England, Leslie Ann McGee
10:00 Break

10:15 Sportfishing Panel
  • Bob Fletcher, President, Sportfishing Association of California
  • Bobbi Walker, Executive Director, National Association of Charterboat Operators
  • Bob Hayes, General Counsel, American Sportfishing Association and Coastal Conservation Association
11:45 Process for Review of Synthesis Document

12:15 Lunch (at hotel)

1:15 Synthesis Document Review

3:35 Break

3:45 Public Comments

5:00 Adjourn for the Day

7:00 Committee Dinner



Wednesday, May 18

7:30 Sign In By All Participants

8:00 Call to Order

8:05 Document Review and Discussion

11:30 Tour of Portland Fish Exchange and Fish Pier

  Lunch (on your own)

1:30 Document Review and Discussion

5:00 Adjourn for the Day
5:30 - 7:30 Reception



Thursday, May 19

7:30 Sign In by All Participants

8:00 Call to Order

8:10 Public Comment Period

9:00 Finalize Document Review

10:30 Break

10:45 Discussion of Next FAC Charge with Departments of Commerce and Interior

12:30 Lunch (at hotel)

1:30 Next FAC Charge (cont)

2:30 Discussion: Future Organization of FAC
(Action to be taken at November 2005 Meeting)
  • Subcommittee structure
  • Leadership
3:30 Break

4:30 Committee Business
  • Review key agenda items for November meeting
  • Logistics for next meeting
  • Other items
5:00 Adjourn


Friday, May 19 - Field Visit to Wells Reserve (8:00-2:00)


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