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Nursing Scholarship Program

The Nursing Scholarship Program application cycle for the 2012-2013 school year is closed. 

  • Applicants selected to receive funding will be notified by August 31, 2012.
  • Applicants who submitted complete application packages, but are not selected to receive funding, will be notified by September 30, 2012.
  • Sign up to receive an e-mail when the 2013 Nursing Scholarship Program application cycle opens.

Program Requirements

What are the requirements while I am in school?

  1. Maintain Enrollment. The NSP participant must maintain enrollment in the nursing program until the program is complete.
  2. Maintain An Acceptable Level of  Academic Standing. A scholarship participant must be in an acceptable level of academic standing, or the level at which a student retains eligibility to continue attending school under the school’s standards and practices, for the duration of the academic year. Applicants on academic probation will not be considered as in an acceptable level of academic standing by the NSP.
  3. Notify NSP of Any Changes in Enrollment Status. A participant is required to notify the NSP through the Customer Service Portal as soon as one of the following events is anticipated:
    1. Repeat course work for which the NSP has already made payments;
    2. A change in the applicant’s graduation date;
    3. A leave of absence approved by the school;
    4. Withdrawal or dismissal from school;
    5. A change from full-time student status to a less than full-time student status for participants who sign “Full-Time Student” Contracts (a change from part-time student status to less than part-time student status for participants who sign “Part-Time Student” Contracts).
    6. Voluntary withdrawal from courses during an academic term; OR
    7. A transfer to another school or program.

These events could have an adverse impact on a participant’s receipt of NSP payments.  

What happens if I have a change in enrollment status?

A change in enrollment status can result in a reduction or discontinuation of benefits (See Changes in Scholarship Payment).  A participant is required to notify the NSP promptly through the Customer Service Portal as soon as one of the events listed above is anticipated. If a change in enrollment status has already occurred, the participant must submit a letter from the school verifying that the change has occurred through the Customer Service Portal.

Please be advised that if the NSP has any questions concerning a participant’s eligibility for continued support, the NSP may delay the payment of all benefits to that participant pending clarification of the participant’s continuing eligibility and status.

next > Tuition, Required Fees, Other Reasonable Costs and Stipend

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