Invasive Plant Patrollers

The Invasive Plant Patrol (IPP) program promotes prevention, early detection and rapid response at the local level by providing training, educational materials, resources and technical support to groups and individuals across the State of Maine. To date nearly 2,500 individuals (volunteers, state agency personnel, professionals, teachers, students and others) have participated in IPP workshops. IPP Introductory Workshops teach participants how to recognize the invasive aquatic plants on Maine’s “eleven most unwanted” list, and to distinguish these invaders from their native Maine look-alikes. A variety of advanced training opportunities are also offered.

Invasive Plant Patrol workshops are offered free of charge to participants, and made possible through the generous support of Maine Department of Department of Environmental Protection the Maine Lake and River Protection Sticker program, foundation grants, businesses, lake and watershed groups, and individuals. Though anyone interested in learning about aquatic invaders is welcome to participate the workshops, we encourage those who wish to become active members of Maine’s early detection team to make a formal commitment to the statewide endeavor by becoming a Certified IPP Volunteer. The goal of the IPP Certification Program is to encourage and support individual and group commitment to annual collection and submission of invasive aquatic plant screening survey data. To become a Certified Plant Patroller you must have participated in at least one IPP Introductory Workshop (or equivalent training), complete the application and sign a statement of commitment. The VLMP Center for Invasive Aquatic Plants provides all certified patrollers with standardized field sheets, an ID card and a bucket scope.

List of lakes with Certified Invasive Plant Patrol Monitors

About the Workshops

IPP Workshop
Invasive Plant Patrol
Field Workshop

If you are interested in attending an IPP workshop and or joining the volunteer team, please contact VLMP. Check out our workshop schedule for all our workshop offerings.

Since the first IPP workshop in 2002, the VLMP has trained nearly 2500 individuals to screen Maine waters for aquatic invaders. The program was specifically designed to engage widespread participation by individuals with varying amounts of time and expertise to commit to the endeavor, from those who simply want to be more knowledgeable when they are out recreating on their lake, to those who are conducting and leading comprehensive lake wide surveys.

If you or your group is interested in hosting or sponsoring a workshop, please contact us at 207-783-7733 or



What You Should Know About IPP - Presentation

What You Should Know About Maine’s Invasive Plant Patrol

A presentation by VLMP’s Roberta Hill for use by Maine’s lake and watershed associations to spread awareness of invasive aquatic plants and volunteer opportunities to join in the effort to protect our lakes and ponds.

Download Presentation as PDF 8.5Meg
Download Presentation as PowerPoint 20.1Meg

Be sure to save the file after viewing.

Workshop Summaries

Invasive Plant Patrol Workshops for New Volunteers

The primary goal of this comprehensive, 5 ½ -hour workshop is to provide those who wish to join Maine’s “early detection” effort with information and guidance needed to get started. All IPP training sessions are open to the public and FREE to anyone interested in learning more about the threat of invasive aquatic plants in Maine.

The workshop is presented in four parts:

Overview of invasive species issues in Maine and beyond

Plant identification fundamentals

Plant identification hands-on exercise with live plants

Conducting a screening survey, tools and techniques

All workshop participants receive an “Invasive Plant Patroller’s Handbook,” and Maine’s Field Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plants.

Advanced Plant Identification

Two distinct workshops are offered, each focusing on a different aspect of aquatic plant life and the identification of different plant groups (primarily native plants). Attend one, the other, or BOTH! Hone your identification skills with live specimens. Bring plants from your favorite lake, pond or stream to identify and share with others. Previous exposure to plant identification (e.g., attending an Introductory IPP workshop) is helpful, but not required.

Manual Control Methods for Invasive Aquatic Plants I & II

If invasive plants are not removed, contained and disposed of properly, the removal project may cause more harm than good. Two distinct control workshops are offered. The first is an introduction to manual control projects in Maine, and provides specific instruction and in-lake practice for those who plan to participate in manual harvesting and benthic barrier projects. The second workshop focuses on diver assisted suction harvesting equipment and techniques. These workshops are geared for certified SCUBA divers and non-divers who plan to provide surface support for control projects.

Survey Field Methods for Invasive Aquatic Plant Screening

This workshop is for those who have already attended the basic IPP training and would like some guided field experience before setting off to conduct an invasive plant screening survey. Bring your own shallow draft boat or contact VLMP to make alternative boating arrangements. Previous attendance of an Introductory IPP workshop is recommended but not required.

Boat Sticker

The Invasive Plant Patrol workshops are made possible by boater participation in the Maine Lake and River Protection Sticker program.

Thank you for helping to keep Maine lakes free of invasive aquatic plants!



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