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Office of General Counsel Advisory Opinions

Important Note: The views expressed in these Advisory Opinions are those of the Office of the General Counsel. Unless indicated otherwise in the Opinion, they have not been reviewed or approved by the Commission. These views were based on the best available information at the time they were written. They may be superseded at any time by the Office of the General Counsel, by the Commission, or by operation of law.


This index is intended to assist in locating Opinions on a particular subject, but the CPSC does not attest to its accuracy.

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Advertisements Aerial baskets: 231

Air Filters: 276

Animals, live: 311

Amusement rides: 153

Art Materials (FHSA): 309

Asbestos: 268

Automobiles/Products Batteries: 84, 93, 165

Beverages/Beverage Equipment Bicycles: 186, 269 Boats/Products: 22, 60, 92, 261, 271, 283

Books: 174 323

Business Machines: 94, 128

Chemicals Cigarettes: 192, 252

Clothing Component Parts: 71, 94, 126

Consumer Product Safety Act Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act Containers Cookware: 158

Corrective Action: 85

Cosmetics: 3, 77 Cribs: 49, 79, 80, 98

Decals, bubble gum: 227

Donation of government property to charity: 31

Doors, folding: 200 Drugs, prescription: 99, 123, 133, 190

Effectiveness of transferred acts: 40

Elevators: 182, 262

EPA packaging requirements: 279

Exercise equipment: 304

Farm equipment: Fire alarms: 181

Fire extinguishers: 154

Fireworks: 136, 151

Flammable Fabrics Act: 52, 53, 57, 135 Flammability Regulations Freedom of Information: 7, 47, 67, 69, 76, 96

General health and safety regulations: 1, 66, 148, 171, 312 Glasses, lead x-ray: 253, 257

Glazing, architectural: 248, 255, 260, 267, 275, 281 Gun locks (trigger locks), jurisdiction: 316

Hairdryers: 25

Hardhats: 256

Hardware, architectural: 132

Heaters, Gas: 286

Infant Carriers: 212

Interior Furnishing: 310

Interstate commerce Insulation Jurisdiction Krazy Kaps: 277

Lab equipment: 265

Lamp, Heat/Infrared: 303

Lawn Mowers: 149, 208, 290, 292 Lead in Children's Products: 317

Lead in ink: 166 Locks: 219

Matches: 161

Mattress NEISS: 9, 10, 11

"One of a Kind": 178, 186

Oven Cleaner: 309

Oven, Gas: 23 PPPA Regulations: 104, 282 Personal Protection Devices: 41, 226, 236

Pest Control Fly Catcher: 264

Pet Turtles: 78

Pillows: 24

Plastic Paper: 199

Power Lines: 259

Private litigation/CPSC involvement: 44, 85, 95, 305

Product licensing: 51

Publicity, adverse: 35

Pumps, gasoline: 214

Refuse bins: 266

Regulatory Actions: 163

Releases of Government Property/Copyright: 74

Repurchase: 100, 148, 156, 202, 162

Retroactive Application of the CPSIA to Inventory: 317

Recycled Tire Products: 325

Rugs: 147, 191

Smoke Detectors: 254

State Product Safety Laws: 15, 266, 306, 307, 312

Swimming Pool Slides: 239

Television: 71, 72, 185

Testing Toys: 307 Traffic Control Signals: 181, 228

Upholstery: 287

Vehicles Vending machines: 121, 122, 125

Wallcoverings: 200

Washing machines: 245

Water purifiers: 211

Wheels, wheat grinding: 195

Wheelchairs: 145

Windowshades: 166, 200

Wires: 60

Yarn: 218

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