About Us

The Department of Energy’s Richland Operations Office and Office of River Protection are taking steps to improve traffic safety on the Hanford Site. These measures are meant to improve the safety of the workforce and visitors to the Hanford Site. There will also be benefits in improving the flow of traffic and reducing traffic congestion.Safety First Sign

If you work on or have business on the Hanford Site, you can help improve traffic safety and reduce traffic congestion, as well as reduce your carbon footprint when traveling on the site. The Department encourages drivers to use Van Pools, share rides, and use alternative fueled vehicles that generate less carbon dioxide. The agency encourages people who live closer to work to use an alternate form of transportation, such as riding a bicycle or walking to work.

Because Site employees and those doing business on the site need to travel long distances to dozens of different job sites, there will continue to be thousands of cars on Hanford roads. In order to improve traffic safety, DOE commissioned an independent study on the current state of Hanford roadways. The study provides specific recommendations, and DOE is moving ahead with making improvements.

This web page includes links to that study, a briefing on the recommendations, and information on specific improvements that are being made. Please do your part while driving on Hanford Site roadways to keep yourself and other drivers safe.



Hanford Site Traffic Pilot Projects Map

Please click on an icon for project information

Related Information

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint



Related Links
What to do when it Snows   
October 2011 (PDF)
SPEED LIMIT being raised July 2010 (PDF)

Results of the Independent Hanford Traffic Safety Study and Next Steps:
May 2010 (PDF)
June 11, 2010 (PDF) 


Contact Info

We are making these changes on a pilot basis.  As we make improvements, we will provide instructions on how you can provide additional feedback.  Hanford Site worker feedback is essential for us to determine which of these new intended safety improvements are working.  Currently there is a mailbox in place to where you can send any concerns or comments you may have at trafficsafety@rl.gov.