
Category Archives: General

The House will soon vote on H.R. 8, a Republican-sponsored measure which would end vital expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit and ends the American Opportunity Tax Credit (which helps make college more affordable … Continue reading

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House Democrats introduced a bill to cut middle class taxes and give one hundred percent of Americans a tax cut. This is the same bill that has already passed the Senate and would be signed into law by President Obama … Continue reading

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In a press conference today, Speaker Boehner and Republican leaders defended their plan to protect tax breaks for millionaires, Big Oil and corporations that ship jobs overseas. When asked about Leader Pelosi’s letter calling for an immediate vote to extend … Continue reading

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Last night, President Obama presented a vision of an economy that’s built to last, that ensures a strong middle class, that promotes fairness for working families, and that reignites the American dream. And while Americans support the President’s proposals… From … Continue reading

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One year ago today, Republicans took control of the House. While House Republicans are marking the occasion by keeping the House out of session, House Democrats believe we should be here on the job, growing the economy and strengthening the … Continue reading

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The Republican answer to jobs thus far has been a “So Be It” spending bill that would in fact destroy 700,000 jobs and jeopardize our economic growth. This week, it appears House Republicans are continuing to put partisan politics ahead … Continue reading

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Three weeks into the 112th Congress, Americans are still waiting for the GOP to bring a jobs bill to the floor. Democrats remain ready to work with the GOP on job creation and every effort will be measured by whether … Continue reading

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Yesterday, President Obama called for a moment of silence today at 11 am EST to honor the victims, including those still fighting for their lives, of the senseless tragedy in Tucson, Arizona on Saturday. The House community joined the moment … Continue reading

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News reports continue to roll in about the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s possible use of funds from foreign interests and foreign governments, in addition to various corporate interests, to influence Americans. Americans have a right to know if these contributions … Continue reading

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On Women’s Equality day, we honor the brave suffragettes who altered the course of history and ushered in a new age of progress for all Americans. These pioneers marched and organized, struggled and sacrificed, for the cause of equality – … Continue reading

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