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Ecology/Nature - Ecological Land Management Committee

The Laboratory director created the Ecological Land Management Committee (ELM) to oversee and make recommendations to facilitate the restoration of the available tracts of land. One of the responsibilities of the Committee is to create a roadmap for the prairie restoration effort. This plan is intended to fulfill that responsibility.

The Fermilab Ecological Land Management (ELM) Committee's Long Range Management Plan provides long range plans for managing the available areas of the Laboratory site according to principles of ecosystem management and restoration. The planning process recognizes the value of and seeks to build upon the many different habitats present on the Fermilab site. Thus, the available area is divided into tracts, whose boundaries recognize the rich habitat diversity, e.g., uplands, woodlands, and wetlands.

The Ecological Land Management Committee, or E.L.M. Committee, oversees the land use and land management activities at Fermilab. The committee is made up of volunteers that cover many different areas of environmental and ecological expertise. These committee members come not only from Fermilab, but from local organizations such as Forest Preserve Districts.

The committee meets on the first Thursday of each month at lunch time (12:00 to 1:00) in Wilson Hall. Restoration activities, habitat management, and land use issues, among other environmental topics, are discussed. Recomendations for land use and management are made to Fermilab's Director.

ELM Documents
Links to documents outlining the restoration plan as well as committee membership, and a Glossary

Prairie Video

last modified 11/9/2004   email Fermilab