Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center

The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 established the Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center. The Center serves as a clearinghouse for all information related to human smuggling and trafficking. Subject-matter experts with expertise in intelligence analysis, law enforcement collaboration and support and diplomacy staff the Center.

The Center performs five main functions:

  • Facilitates broad dissemination of all source information:
    The Center integrates and disseminates raw and finished tactical, operational and strategic intelligence to member U.S. agencies’ operational components, U.S. policy makers and appropriate foreign partners. This intelligence provides actionable leads for U.S. law enforcement  agencies.
  • Prepares strategic assessments:
    The Center prepares strategic assessments related to important aspects of human smuggling and trafficking in persons and clandestine terrorist travel. Assessment topics include: global smuggling and trafficking organizations and networks; the extent of progress in dismantling organizations; smuggling and trafficking schemes, patterns and trends; proven law enforcement and other approaches for countering smuggling and trafficking. The Center may issue intelligence bulletins, reports and notes, longer analysis products, and target packages about human smuggling organizations and networks, which are provided to appropriate U.S. agencies for action. These strategic assessments provide policymakers with accurate, objective analysis about threats, vulnerabilities and opportunities for action.
  • Identifies issues for interagency coordination or attention:
    The Center identifies issues related to migrant smuggling or trafficking in persons for referral to relevant agencies or interagency organizations for consideration and action, as appropriate.
  • Coordinates select initiatives and provides support:
    Where appropriate, and upon the request of relevant members of the community, the Center may coordinate anti-smuggling or trafficking initiatives.
  • Works with and exchanges information with allied foreign governments and organizations:
    The Center serves as a centralized U.S. point of contact for similar allied foreign centers, multi-national organizations, and national law enforcement and intelligence authorities that combat international illicit travel. The Center actively exchanges information with allies and partners - including INTERPOL, EUROPOL, and FRONTEX - regarding human smuggling, human trafficking, and terrorist mobility.