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Guideline Summary
Guideline Title
Atrioventricular septal defect. In: ACC/AHA 2008 guidelines for the management of adults with congenital heart disease. A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines on the Management of Adults With Congenital Heart Disease).
Bibliographic Source(s)
Warnes CA, Williams RG, Bashore TM, Child JS, Connolly HM, Dearani JA, del Nido P, Fasules JW, Graham TP, Hijazi ZM, Hunt SA, King ME, Landzberg MJ, Miner PD, Radford MJ, Walsh EP, Webb GD, Smith SC Jr, Jacobs AK, Adams CD, Anderson JL, Antman EM, Buller CD, Creager MA, Ettinger SM, Halperin JL, Hunt SA, Krumholz HM, Kushner FG, Lytle BW, Nishimura RA, Page RL, Riegel B, Tarkington LG, Yancy CW. Atrioventricular septal defect. In: ACC/AHA 2008 guidelines for the management of adults with congenital heart disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52(23):e181-84.
Guideline Status

This is the current release of the guideline.

The guidelines will be reviewed annually by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) Task Force on Practice Guidelines and considered current unless they are updated, revised, or withdrawn from distribution.

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  • Adult congenital heart disease
  • Atrioventricular septal defect
Guideline Category
Risk Assessment
Clinical Specialty
Family Practice
Internal Medicine
Thoracic Surgery
Intended Users
Health Care Providers
Guideline Objective(s)
  • To assist healthcare providers in clinical decision making by describing a range of generally acceptable approaches for diagnosis, management, and prevention of specific diseases or conditions associated with adult congenital heart disease (ACHD)
  • To define practices that meet the needs of most patients in most circumstances
  • To support the practicing cardiologist in the care of ACHD patients by providing a consensus document that outlines the most important diagnostic and management strategies and indicates when referral to a highly specialized center is appropriate
Target Population

Adults with congenital heart disease and atrioventricular septal defect

Interventions and Practices Considered


  1. Clinical examination
  2. Imaging studies
  3. Heart catheterization to test vasoreactivity


  1. Medical therapy
  2. Surgical repair (complete or partial) of atrioventricular septal defects
  3. Re-repair

Evaluation and Follow-up

  1. Antibiotic prophylaxis before dental procedures to prevent infective endocarditis (IE)
  2. Antibiotic prophylaxis against IE before vaginal delivery


  1. Evaluation before conception
  2. Counseling concerning pregnancy risks
Major Outcomes Considered

Complications of surgery for repair of atrioventricular septal defect


Methods Used to Collect/Select the Evidence
Hand-searches of Published Literature (Primary Sources)
Hand-searches of Published Literature (Secondary Sources)
Searches of Electronic Databases
Description of Methods Used to Collect/Select the Evidence

Unlike other American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) practice guidelines; there is not a large body of peer-reviewed published evidence to support most recommendations, which will be clearly indicated in the text. An extensive literature survey was conducted that led to the incorporation of 647 references. Searches were limited to studies, reviews, and other evidence conducted in human subjects and published in English. Key search words included but were not limited to adult congenital heart disease (ACHD), atrial septal defect, arterial switch operation, bradycardia, cardiac catheterization, cardiac reoperation, coarctation, coronary artery abnormalities, cyanotic congenital heart disease, Doppler-echocardiography, d-transposition of the great arteries, Ebstein's anomaly, Eisenmenger physiology, familial, heart defect, medical therapy, patent ductus arteriosus, physical activity, pregnancy, psychosocial, pulmonary arterial hypertension, right heart obstruction, supravalvular pulmonary stenosis, surgical therapy, tachyarrhythmia, tachycardia, tetralogy of Fallot, transplantation, tricuspid atresia, and Wolff-Parkinson-White. Additionally, the writing committee reviewed documents related to the subject matter previously published by the ACC and AHA. References selected and published in this document are representative and not all-inclusive.

Number of Source Documents

Not stated

Methods Used to Assess the Quality and Strength of the Evidence
Weighting According to a Rating Scheme (Scheme Given)
Rating Scheme for the Strength of the Evidence

Applying Classification of Recommendations and Level of Evidence


Benefit >>> Risk


SHOULD be performed/administered

Benefit >> Risk
Additional studies with focused objectives needed

IT IS REASONABLE to perform procedure/administer treatment

Benefit > Risk
Additional studies with broad objectives needed; additional registry data would be helpful


Risk > Benefit

Procedure/Treatment should NOT be performed/administered SINCE IT IS NOT HELPFUL AND MAY BE HARMFUL
Estimate of Certainty (Precision) of Treatment Effect LEVEL A

Multiple population evaluated*

Data derived from multiple randomized clinical trials or meta-analyses
  • Recommendation that procedure or treatment is useful/effective
  • Sufficient evidence from multiple randomized trials or meta-analyses
  • Recommendation in favor of treatment of procedure being useful/effective
  • Some conflicting evidence from multiple randomized trials or meta-analyses
  • Recommendation's usefulness/efficacy less well established
  • Greater conflicting evidence from multiple randomized trials or meta-analyses
  • Recommendation that procedure or treatment is not useful/effective and may be harmful
  • Sufficient evidence from multiple randomized trials or meta-analyses

Limited population evaluated*

Data derived from a single randomized clinical trial or nonrandomized studies
  • Recommendation that procedure or treatment is useful/effective
  • Evidence from single randomized trial or nonrandomized studies
  • Recommendation in favor of treatment of procedure being useful/effective
  • Some conflicting evidence from single randomized trial or nonrandomized studies
  • Recommendation's usefulness/efficacy less well established
  • Greater conflicting evidence from single randomized trial or nonrandomized studies
  • Recommendation that procedure or treatment is not useful/effective and may be harmful
  • Evidence from single randomized trial or nonrandomized studies

Very limited population evaluated*

Only consensus opinion of experts, case studies or standard of care.
  • Recommendation that procedure or treatment is useful/effective
  • Only expert opinion, case studies, or standard-of-care
  • Recommendation in favor of treatment of procedure being useful/effective
  • Only diverging expert opinion, case studies, or standard-of-care
  • Recommendation's usefulness/efficacy less well established
  • Only diverging expert opinion, case studies, or standard-of-care
  • Recommendation that procedure or treatment is not useful/effective and may be harmful
  • Only expert opinion, case studies, or standard-of-care

*Data available from clinical trials or registries about the usefulness/efficacy in different subpopulations, such as gender, age, history of diabetes, history of prior myocardial infarction, history of heart failure, and prior aspirin use. A recommendation with Level of Evidence B or C does not imply that the recommendation is weak. Many important clinical questions addressed in the guidelines do not lend themselves to clinical trials. Even though randomized trials are not available, there may be a very clear clinical consensus that a particular test or therapy is useful or effective.

Note: In 2003, the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) Task Force on Practice Guidelines developed a list of suggested phrases to use when writing recommendations. All guideline recommendations have been written in full sentences that express a complete thought, such that a recommendation, even if separated and presented apart from the rest of the document (including headings above sets of recommendations), would still convey the full intent of the recommendation. It is hoped that this will increase readers' comprehension of the guidelines and will allow queries at the individual recommendation level. (See Table 1 in the original guideline document for a list of suggested phrases for writing recommendations.)

Methods Used to Analyze the Evidence
Systematic Review
Description of the Methods Used to Analyze the Evidence

The committee reviewed and ranked evidence supporting current recommendations with the weight of evidence ranked as Level A if the data were derived from multiple randomized clinical trials involving a large number of individuals. The committee ranked available evidence as Level B when data were derived from a limited number of trials involving a comparatively small number of patients or from well-designed data analyses of nonrandomized studies or observational data registries. Evidence was ranked as Level C when the consensus of experts was the primary source of the recommendation. In the narrative portions of these guidelines, evidence is generally presented in chronological order of development. Studies are identified as observational, randomized, prospective, or retrospective. The committee emphasizes that for certain conditions for which no other therapy is available, the indications are based on expert consensus and years of clinical experience and are thus well supported, even though the evidence was ranked as Level C. An analogous example is the use of penicillin in pneumococcal pneumonia where there are no randomized trials and only clinical experience. When indications at Level C are supported by historical clinical data, appropriate references (e.g., case reports and clinical reviews) are cited if available. When Level C indications are based strictly on committee consensus, no references are cited. The final recommendations for indications for a diagnostic procedure, a particular therapy, or an intervention in adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) patients summarize both clinical evidence and expert opinion. The schema for classification of recommendations and level of evidence illustrates how the grading system provides an estimate of the size of treatment effect and an estimate of the certainty of the treatment effect (see "Rating Scheme for the Strength of the Evidence" above).

Methods Used to Formulate the Recommendations
Expert Consensus
Description of Methods Used to Formulate the Recommendations

The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) Task Force on Practice Guidelines was formed to create clinical practice guidelines for select cardiovascular conditions with important implications for public health. This guideline writing committee was assembled to adjudicate the evidence and construct recommendations regarding the diagnosis and treatment of adult congenital heart disease (ACHD). Writing committee members were selected with attention to ACHD subspecialties, broad geographic representation, and involvement in academic medicine and clinical practice. The writing committee included representatives of the American Society of Echocardiography, Heart Rhythm Society, International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and Society of Thoracic Surgeons.

Writing committees are specifically charged to perform a formal literature review, weigh the strength of evidence for or against particular treatments or procedures, and include estimates of expected health outcomes where data exist. Patient-specific modifiers, comorbidities, and issues of patient preference that might influence the choice of tests or therapies are considered, as well as the frequency of follow-up and cost-effectiveness. When available, information from studies on cost is considered, but data on efficacy and clinical outcomes constitute the primary basis for recommendations in these guidelines.

Rating Scheme for the Strength of the Recommendations

See "Rating Scheme for the Strength of the Evidence" field, above.

Cost Analysis

A formal cost analysis was not performed and published cost analyses were not reviewed.

Method of Guideline Validation
External Peer Review
Internal Peer Review
Description of Method of Guideline Validation

This document was reviewed by 3 external reviewers nominated from both the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Association (AHA), as well as reviewers from the American Society of Echocardiography, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Heart Rhythm Society, International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease, and Society of Thoracic Surgeons, and 20 individual content reviewers which included reviewers from the ACC Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology Committee and the AHA Congenital Cardiac Defects Committee. All reviewer relationships with industry information were collected and distributed to the writing committee and are published in the original guideline document (see the "Conflicts of Interest/Financial Disclosures" field in this document).

This document was approved for publication by the governing bodies of the American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF) and the AHA and endorsed by the American Society of Echocardiography, Heart Rhythm Society, International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and Society of Thoracic Surgeons.


Major Recommendations

The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) classification of the recommendations for patient evaluation and treatment (classes I-III) and the levels of evidence (A-C) are defined at the end of the "Major Recommendations" field.

Clinical Features and Evaluation

Recommendations for Heart Catheterization

Class IIa

  1. Cardiac catheterization is reasonable to assess pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and test vasoreactivity in patients with repaired or unrepaired atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD). (Level of Evidence: B)

Management Strategies

Recommendations for Surgical Therapy

Class I

  1. Surgeons with training and expertise in congenital heart disease (CHD) should perform operations for AVSD. (Level of Evidence: C)
  2. Surgical reoperation is recommended in adults with previously repaired AVSD with the following indications:
    1. Left atrioventricular (AV) valve repair or replacement for regurgitation or stenosis that causes symptoms, atrial or ventricular arrhythmias, a progressive increase in left ventricular (LV) dimensions, or deterioration of LV function. (Level of Evidence: B)
    2. Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction with a mean gradient greater than 50 mm Hg or peak instantaneous gradient greater than 70 mm Hg, or a gradient less than 50 mm Hg in association with significant mitral regurgitation or aortic regurgitation (AR). (Level of Evidence: B)
    3. Residual/recurrent ASD or VSD with significant left-to-right shunting (See the National Guideline Clearinghouse [NGC] summary of the ACC/AHA guidelines Atrial Septal Defect and Ventricular Septal Defect). (Level of Evidence: B)

Recommendations for Endocarditis Prophylaxis

Class IIa

  1. Antibiotic prophylaxis before dental procedures that involve manipulation of gingival tissue or the periapical region of teeth or perforation of the oral mucosa is reasonable in patients with CHD with the highest risk for adverse outcome from infective endocarditis (IE), including those with the following indications:
    1. Prosthetic cardiac valve or prosthetic material used for cardiac valve repair. (Level of Evidence: B)
    2. Previous IE. (Level of Evidence: B)
    3. Unrepaired and palliated cyanotic CHD, including surgically constructed palliative shunts and conduits. (Level of Evidence: B)
    4. Completely repaired CHD with prosthetic materials, whether placed by surgery or by catheter intervention, during the first 6 months after the procedure. (Level of Evidence: B)
    5. Repaired CHD with residual defects at the site or adjacent to the site of a prosthetic patch or prosthetic device that inhibit endothelialization. (Level of Evidence: B)
  2. It is reasonable to consider antibiotic prophylaxis against IE before vaginal delivery at the time of membrane rupture in select patients with the highest risk of adverse outcomes. This includes patients with the following indications:
    1. Prosthetic cardiac valve or prosthetic material used for cardiac valve repair. (Level of Evidence: C)
    2. Unrepaired and palliated cyanotic CHD, including surgically constructed palliative shunts and conduits. (Level of Evidence: C)

Class III

  1. Prophylaxis against IE is not recommended for nondental procedures (such as esophagogastroduodenoscopy or colonoscopy) in the absence of active infection. (Level of Evidence: C)

Recommendations for Pregnancy

Class I

  1. All women with a history of AVSD should be evaluated before conception to ensure that there are no significant residual hemodynamic lesions that might complicate the management of pregnancy. (Level of Evidence: C)
  2. The issue of pregnancy risk and preventive measures should be discussed with women with Down syndrome and their caregivers. (Level of Evidence: C)


Applying Classification of Recommendations and Level of Evidence


Benefit >>> Risk


SHOULD be performed/administered

Benefit >> Risk
Additional studies with focused objectives needed

IT IS REASONABLE to perform procedure/administer treatment

Benefit > Risk
Additional studies with broad objectives needed; additional registry data would be helpful


Risk > Benefit

Procedure/Treatment should NOT be performed/administered SINCE IT IS NOT HELPFUL AND MAY BE HARMFUL
Estimate of Certainty (Precision) of Treatment Effect LEVEL A

Multiple population evaluated*

Data derived from multiple randomized clinical trials or meta-analyses
  • Recommendation that procedure or treatment is useful/effective
  • Sufficient evidence from multiple randomized trials or meta-analyses
  • Recommendation in favor of treatment of procedure being useful/effective
  • Some conflicting evidence from multiple randomized trials or meta-analyses
  • Recommendation's usefulness/efficacy less well established
  • Greater conflicting evidence from multiple randomized trials or meta-analyses
  • Recommendation that procedure or treatment is not useful/effective and may be harmful
  • Sufficient evidence from multiple randomized trials or meta-analyses

Limited population evaluated*

Data derived from a single randomized clinical trial or nonrandomized studies
  • Recommendation that procedure or treatment is useful/effective
  • Evidence from single randomized trial or nonrandomized studies
  • Recommendation in favor of treatment of procedure being useful/effective
  • Some conflicting evidence from single randomized trial or nonrandomized studies
  • Recommendation's usefulness/efficacy less well established
  • Greater conflicting evidence from single randomized trial or nonrandomized studies
  • Recommendation that procedure or treatment is not useful/effective and may be harmful
  • Evidence from single randomized trial or nonrandomized studies

Very limited population evaluated*

Only consensus opinion of experts, case studies or standard of care.
  • Recommendation that procedure or treatment is useful/effective
  • Only expert opinion, case studies, or standard-of-care
  • Recommendation in favor of treatment of procedure being useful/effective
  • Only diverging expert opinion, case studies, or standard-of-care
  • Recommendation's usefulness/efficacy less well established
  • Only diverging expert opinion, case studies, or standard-of-care
  • Recommendation that procedure or treatment is not useful/effective and may be harmful
  • Only expert opinion, case studies, or standard-of-care

*Data available from clinical trials or registries about the usefulness/efficacy in different subpopulations, such as gender, age, history of diabetes, history of prior myocardial infarction, history of heart failure, and prior aspirin use. A recommendation with Level of Evidence B or C does not imply that the recommendation is weak. Many important clinical questions addressed in the guidelines do not lend themselves to clinical trials. Even though randomized trials are not available, there may be a very clear clinical consensus that a particular test or therapy is useful or effective.

Note: In 2003, the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) Task Force on Practice Guidelines developed a list of suggested phrases to use when writing recommendations. All guideline recommendations have been written in full sentences that express a complete thought, such that a recommendation, even if separated and presented apart from the rest of the document (including headings above sets of recommendations), would still convey the full intent of the recommendation. It is hoped that this will increase readers' comprehension of the guidelines and will allow queries at the individual recommendation level. (See Table 1 in the original guideline document for a list of suggested phrases for writing recommendations.)

Clinical Algorithm(s)

None provided

Evidence Supporting the Recommendations

Type of Evidence Supporting the Recommendations

The type of supporting evidence is identified and graded for each recommendation (see "Major Recommendations").

Benefits/Harms of Implementing the Guideline Recommendations

Potential Benefits

Appropriate management of patients with atrioventricular septal defect

Potential Harms

Late complications of surgical repair of atrioventricular septal defects may include left atrioventricular (AV) valve regurgitation and/or stenosis, left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction with or without aortic regurgitation (AR), and the development of heart block. Left AV valve regurgitation or stenosis requiring reoperation may occur in approximately 5% to 10% of patients. LVOT obstruction may occur in 5% of patients.

Qualifying Statements

Qualifying Statements
  • These practice guidelines are intended to assist healthcare providers in clinical decision making by describing a range of generally acceptable approaches for diagnosis, management, and prevention of specific diseases or conditions. Clinicians should consider the quality and availability of expertise in the area where care is provided. These guidelines attempt to define practices that meet the needs of most patients in most circumstances. The recommendations reflect a consensus of expert opinion after a thorough review of the available current scientific evidence and are intended to improve patient care.
  • Patient adherence to prescribed and agreed upon medical regimens and lifestyles is an important aspect of treatment. Prescribed courses of treatment in accordance with these recommendations are only effective if they are followed. Because lack of patient understanding and adherence may adversely affect outcomes, physicians and other healthcare providers should make every effort to engage the patient's active participation in prescribed medical regimens and lifestyles.
  • If these guidelines are used as the basis for regulatory or payer decisions, the goal is quality of care and serving the patient's best interest. The ultimate judgment regarding care of a particular patient must be made by the healthcare provider and the patient in light of all of the circumstances presented by that patient. There are circumstances in which deviations from these guidelines are appropriate.

Implementation of the Guideline

Description of Implementation Strategy

An implementation strategy was not provided.

Implementation Tools
Slide Presentation
For information about availability, see the Availability of Companion Documents and Patient Resources fields below.

Institute of Medicine (IOM) National Healthcare Quality Report Categories

IOM Care Need
Getting Better
Living with Illness
IOM Domain

Identifying Information and Availability

Bibliographic Source(s)
Warnes CA, Williams RG, Bashore TM, Child JS, Connolly HM, Dearani JA, del Nido P, Fasules JW, Graham TP, Hijazi ZM, Hunt SA, King ME, Landzberg MJ, Miner PD, Radford MJ, Walsh EP, Webb GD, Smith SC Jr, Jacobs AK, Adams CD, Anderson JL, Antman EM, Buller CD, Creager MA, Ettinger SM, Halperin JL, Hunt SA, Krumholz HM, Kushner FG, Lytle BW, Nishimura RA, Page RL, Riegel B, Tarkington LG, Yancy CW. Atrioventricular septal defect. In: ACC/AHA 2008 guidelines for the management of adults with congenital heart disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52(23):e181-84.

Not applicable: The guideline was not adapted from another source.

Date Released
Guideline Developer(s)
American College of Cardiology Foundation - Medical Specialty Society
American Heart Association - Professional Association
Source(s) of Funding

The American College of Cardiology Foundation and the American Heart Association. No outside funding accepted.

Guideline Committee

American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines

Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines on the Management of Adults With Congenital Heart Disease

Composition of Group That Authored the Guideline

Task Force Members: Sidney C. Smith, Jr, MD, FACC, FAHA, Chair; Alice K. Jacobs, MD, FACC, FAHA, Vice-Chair; Cynthia D. Adams, RSN, PhD, FAHA#; Jeffrey L. Anderson, MD, FACC, FAHA#; Elliott M. Antman, MD, FACC, FAHA**; Christopher E. Buller, MD, FACC; Mark A. Creager, MD, FACC, FAHA; Steven M. Ettinger, MD, FACC; Jonathan L. Halperin, MD, FACC, FAHA#; Sharon A. Hunt, MD, FACC, FAHA#; Harlan M. Krumholz, MD, FACC, FAHA; Frederick G. Kushner, MD, FACC, FAHA; Bruce W. Lytle, MD, FACC, FAHA#; Rick A. Nishimura, MD, FACC, FAHA; Richard L. Page, MD, FACC, FAHA; Barbara Riegel, DNSc, RN, FAHA#; Lynn G. Tarkington, RN; Clyde W. Yancy, MD, FACC, FAHA

Committee Members: Carole A. Warnes, MD, FRCP, FACC, FAHA, Co-Chair; Roberta G. Williams, MD, MACC, FAHA, Co-Chair; Thomas M. Bashore, MD, FACC; John S. Child, MD, FACC, FAHA; Heidi M. Connolly, MD, FACC; Joseph A. Dearani, MD, FACC*; Pedro del Nido, MD; James W. Fasules, MD, FACC; Thomas P. Graham, Jr, MD, FACC†; Ziyad M. Hijazi, MBBS, MPH, FACC, FSCAI‡; Sharon A. Hunt, MD, FACC, FAHA; Mary Etta King, MD, FACC, FASE§; Michael J. Landzberg, MD, FACC; Pamela D. Miner, RN, MN, NP; Martha J. Radford, MD, FACC; Edward P. Walsh, MD, FACC||; Gary D. Webb, MD, FACC¶

*Society of Thoracic Surgeons representative.

†International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease representative.

‡Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions representative.

§American Society of Echocardiography representative.

||Heart Rhythm Society representative.

¶Canadian Cardiovascular Society representative.

#Former Task Force member during this writing effort.

**Immediate past chair.

Financial Disclosures/Conflicts of Interest

The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) Task Force on Practice Guidelines makes every effort to avoid actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest that might arise as a result of industry relationships or personal interests among the writing committee. Specifically, all members of the writing committee, as well as peer reviewers of the document, are asked to disclose all such relationships that might be perceived as real or potential conflicts of interest. Writing committee members are also strongly encouraged to declare previous relationships with industry that might be perceived as relevant to guideline development. If a writing committee member develops a new relationship with industry during their tenure, they are required to notify guideline staff in writing. These statements are reviewed by the parent task force, reported orally to all members at each meeting of the writing committee, and updated and reviewed by the writing committee as changes occur.

Author Relationships With Industry and Other Entities–ACC/AHA 2008 Guidelines for the Management of Adults With Congenital Heart Disease

Committee Member Research Grant Speakers' Bureau Stock Ownership Board of Directors Consultant/Advisory Member
Dr. Carole A. Warnes (Co-Chair) None None None None None
Dr. Roberta G. Williams (Co-Chair) None None None None None
Dr. Thomas M. Bashore None None None None None
Dr. John S. Child None None None None None
Dr. Heidi M. Connolly None None None None None
Dr. Joseph A. Dearani None None None None None
Dr. Pedro del Nido None None None None None
Dr. James W. Fasules None None None None None
Dr. Thomas P. Graham, Jr None None None None None
Dr. Ziyad M. Hijazi None None None None
  • AGA Medical
Dr. Sharon A. Hunt None None None None None
Dr. Mary Etta King None None None None None
Dr. Michael J. Landzberg
  • Actelion
  • AGA
  • Medical
  • Myogen
  • NMT Medical
  • Pfizer
None None None None
Dr. Pamela D. Miner None None None None None
Dr. Martha J. Radford None None None None None
Dr. Edward P. Walsh None None None None None
Dr. Gary D. Webb None None None None None

This table represents the relevant relationships of committee members with industry and other entities that were reported orally at the initial writing committee meeting and updated in conjunction with all meetings and conference calls of the writing committee during the document development process. It does not necessarily reflect relationships with industry at the time of publication. A person is deemed to have a significant interest in a business if the interest represents ownership of 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the business entity, or ownership of $10,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity; or if funds received by the person from the business entity exceed 5% of the person's gross income for the previous year. A relationship is considered to be modest if it is less than significant under the preceding definition. Relationships in this table are modest unless otherwise noted.

See Appendix 2 in the original guideline document for peer reviewer relationships with industry.

Guideline Endorser(s)
American Society of Echocardiography - Professional Association
Heart Rhythm Society - Professional Association
International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease - Disease Specific Society
Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions - Medical Specialty Society
Society of Thoracic Surgeons - Medical Specialty Society
Guideline Status

This is the current release of the guideline.

The guidelines will be reviewed annually by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) Task Force on Practice Guidelines and considered current unless they are updated, revised, or withdrawn from distribution.

Guideline Availability

Electronic copies: Available in Portable Document Format (PDF) from the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Web site External Web Site Policy; electronic copies are also available in PDF from the American Heart Association (AHA) Web site External Web Site Policy.

Print copies: Available from the American College of Cardiology, 2400 N Street NW, Washington DC, 20037; (800) 253-4636 (US only).

Availability of Companion Documents

The following are available:

  • ACC/AHA 2008 guidelines for the management of adults with congenital heart disease: executive summary. A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines for the Management of Adults With Congenital Heart Disease). J Am Coll Cardiol, 2008; 52:1890-1947. Electronic copies: Available from the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Web site External Web Site Policy. Also available in Portable Document Format (PDF) from the American Heart Association (AHA) Web site External Web Site Policy.
  • ACC/AHA 2008 guidelines for the management of adults with congenital heart disease. Slide set. 2008. 88 p. Electronic copies: Available from the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Web site External Web Site Policy.
  • Methodology manual for ACC/AHA Guideline Writing Committees. Methodologies and policies from the ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines. 2006 Jun. 61 p. Electronic copies: Available in PDF from the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Web site External Web Site Policy.

Print copies: Available from the American College of Cardiology, 2400 N Street NW, Washington DC, 20037; (800) 253-4636 (US only).

Patient Resources

None available

NGC Status

This NGC summary was completed by ECRI Institute on September 18, 2009.

Copyright Statement

This NGC summary is based on the original guideline, which is subject to the guideline developer's copyright restrictions as follows:

Copyright to the original guideline is owned by the American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF) and the American Heart Association (AHA). NGC users are free to download a single copy for personal use. Reproduction without permission of the ACC/AHA guidelines is prohibited. Permissions requests should be directed to


NGC Disclaimer

The National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC) does not develop, produce, approve, or endorse the guidelines represented on this site.

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