
Moving Forward on Health Insurance Reform Legislation

Posted on by Karina

Today, the Energy and Commerce Committee will resume their markup of America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 at 4pm EST. Watch the live webcast>>

Speaker Pelosi and Leader Hoyer issued the following joint statement this afternoon:

Congress is closer than ever before in history to passing comprehensive health insurance reform. Already, the House Ways and Means Committee and the Education and Labor Committee have reported out this critical legislation. This afternoon, the Energy and Commerce Committee will resume its markup and will report out a bill this week. Over August, the three House committees will work to reconcile their versions and produce strong legislation.

We are pleased with the full participation of all our Members, who have reviewed the legislation and proposed significant changes. At this time, we want to particularly recognize the valued leadership of the Blue Dog Coalition to lower costs, to make the legislation work better for their constituents, and to assist small businesses. These are goals shared by all Members of the Caucus. At the request of the Blue Dog Coalition, in order to allow more time to carefully review the additional proposed legislative language, we will bring the bill to the House floor in September.

Health insurance reform directly touches every American life and we need to get this right. It is crucial to our nation’s fiscal health and for our businesses to be competitive in a global marketplace.

In September, Congress will pass legislation that puts Americans and their doctors back in charge, holds insurance companies accountable, guarantees stability and peace of mind, lowers costs, and provides more choices for higher quality care.

President Obama on the ongoing efforts in Congress:

I want to thank the members of both the Senate and House of Representatives for continuing their work on health reform to provide more stability and security for Americans who have insurance, and quality, affordable coverage for those who don't. I'm especially grateful that so many members, including some Blue Dogs on the Energy and Commerce Committee, are working so hard to find common ground. Those efforts are extraordinarily constructive in strengthening this legislation and bringing down its cost.

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