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About FERC Arrow Offices Arrow Office of Administrative Law Judges

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Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ)

What We Do

  • Resolve contested cases as directed by the Commission effectively, efficiently and expeditiously, either through impartial hearing and decision or through negotiated settlement, ensuring that the rights of all parties are preserved.
  • Conduct fair and impartial investigations as directed by the Commission.
  • Perform various ADR procedures as directed by the Commission, including mediation, arbitration, facilitation, and acting as settlement judge in a neutral, confidential, expeditious and efficient manner, ensuring that all parties are heard to the extent they desire.
  • Preside over ADR procedures at the request of the parties in cases assigned for hearing.

OALJ Organization Chart
(Note: Click for larger image)

    Office of Administrative Law Judges Organization Chart

Telephone: 202-502-8500
FAX: 202-219-3289

888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426

Updated: September 21, 2012