
Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Posted on by Karina

Speaker Pelosi issued the following statement in response to President Bush’s remarks on immigration reform today:

The President should work collaboratively and on a bipartisan basis to pass comprehensive immigration reform. He should embrace proposals such as the STRIVE Act by Congressmen Gutierrez and Flake, which provides an excellent framework and reflects a strong commitment by a bipartisan group of House Members toward realistic and comprehensive immigration reform.

Our priorities on immigration reform are clear. Our first responsibility to the American people is their safety. We must secure our borders and enforce our laws, while also protecting against discrimination and adhering faithfully to the rule of law. At the same time, we must enact immigration reform that is humane and honors our American tradition of being a nation of immigrants.

By starting House Judiciary Committee hearings and introducing the STRIVE Act last month, the House has already begun the hard work of addressing immigration reform.

To learn more about the STRIVE Act, visit our issue page on immigration>>

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