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Nalwo Calendar

Who belongs to NALWO? -

All women associated with Fermilab (and their families). Visiting women and newcomers are especially encouraged to join NALWO activities. Fermilab women are welcome to bring guests from outside the Lab community to NALWO activities..

What does NALWO do?

The organization sponsors:

English Conversation

Conversation classes meet Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Music Room at the Users Center. Meetings are free, there is no need to sign-up and you may begin any time! You can reach the English class teachers with questions by emailing NALWO_ENGLISH_TEACHERS@fnal.gov
If you wish to subscribe to the English class email list (which provides useful information about class schedule changes), you may do so at


NALWO sponsors a cooperative playgroup for families with pre-school aged children that meets weekly at the Users Center. For more information please visit the NALWO Playgroup page .

 Information about Maternity Closet

The maternity closet, created by the Fermilab Mothers at Work Program, is now located in the Fermilab Children’s Center. Those interested in using or donating clothes should make an appointment with Jennifer Lopez at x3762.


NALWO sponsors day trips to places of interest in Chicago and the surrounding area such as museums, ethnic neighborhoods, architectural walks, and natural parks.


NALWO occasionally hosts potluck dinners the Village. They are open to anyone from the Lab and their guests. Each person or family brings a dish of food to share.

Toy Library

The Toy Library is in the music room of the User's Center. Toys may be borrowed from this room for use at home on a short-term basis. For further information contact Cheryl Bentham at (630) 840-3777.

International Folk Dancing, Scottish Country Dancing, and English Country Dancing

NALWO sponsors three recreational dance groups open to everyone from Fermilab and the surrounding communities. International Folk Dance is every Thursday evening from 7:30 p.m. until 10:00 p.m., Scottish Country Dancing is every Tuesday evening from 7:30 p.m. until 10:00 p.m., and English Country Dancing is held once a month on a Sunday afternoon. The dance groups meet in the Village Barn on the east side of the Fermilab site from September to May and the weekday groups move to Ramsey Auditorium in Wilson Hall, Fermilab's High-rise, during the summer. In all groups, the dances are taught, and you don't need to come with a partner. Children are welcome, but no babysitting is provided; children either dance or do quiet activities. For more information, contact folkdance@fnal.gov or Mady Newfield at (630) 584-0825.

Special Events

NALWO holds special programs, usually during the day, such as cooking demonstrations, crafts workshops, lectures, informal music programs. Although occasionally presented by outside guests, most of these programs are prepared and presented by NALWO members. We encourage you to present your special talents. You do the planning and preparation; we help with the invitations, publicity, and room reservations. Send us your ideas for new activities to nalwo@fnal.gov. We are always happy to hear from you.

Upcoming Events:

Scitech Hand-On Museum family trip – October 6

Fall plant and bulb exchange – October 11

Naperville Riverwalk Visit and luncheon – October 25

Playgroup Halloween Party – October 26

Noontime travelogue by Cynthia Albright – Nov. 15

Winter Holiday Tea – December 4

Trip to Chicago for Christkindlmarkt and holiday windows – December 10

Armenian Cooking Demonstration – January 24, Chez Leon

Elmhurst Lapidary Museum visit and luncheon - February 28

Water Street Pottery Studio, Batavia, visit and luncheon – March 28

The  recipe booklet from the November 17, 2011, Cooking Demonstration: Cooking of the American South is available here.

NALWO Cookbook

For the 2011 Spring Tea, we created a cookbook as a gift for Barbara Oddone. This book is a retrospective of what we chose as some of the best recipes from the last 25 years of NALWO cooking demonstrations. If you’d like a digital copy you can download it here. (The file is 1.5 MB and if you do not have Hi-Speed internet it may take a while).

While orders are no longer being taken, a few printed copies are left. Please contact us if you are interested.. The file is still available for you to download and print yourself .


Contact Information

For questions and information send e-mail to nalwo@fnal.gov; or contact individual board members: Board Member . If you would like to be added to the NALWO NEWS email list to receive information on upcoming events, please go to http://listserv.fnal.gov/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=nalwo_news&A=1
to subscribe, or send a request to nalwo@fnal.gov .

Newcomers may contact the NALWO newcomer liaison Selitha Raja at (630) 305-7769 or SelithaR@hotmail.com concerning any questions you have that arise as you get settled here.


NALWO History

From "The Golden Book: Starting Fermilab" by Dr. Robert R. Wilson, Founding Director of Fermilab: "My wife, Jane, was enormously important to the Lab both socially and in initiating the lectures program. I felt, too, that my colleagues were blessed in the great wives who accompanied them to the Lab. Many had jobs in the Lab, but all contributed importantly to the social ambience. Indeed, NALWO was formed by them so they could be more effective in their endeavors."

"Songs of Too Much Experience" Poems by Jane S. Wilson

Jane Wilson Photo Album


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Last modified October 2, 2012 by Mady Newfield