Update for FY 2012 Grant Applicants and Semiannual Report Requirements

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What's Next for FY 2012 AFG and SAFER Grant Applicants?

FY 2012 AFG and SAFER award announcements have begun.

  1. Award announcements BEGAN on September 21, 2012 and will continue on a rolling basis until all FY 2012 AFG and SAFER grant funds have been awarded. The list of new awardees will be posted each week on the Awards page for each grant program on the AFG website.
  2. All applicants will be notified of the decision made on their application regardless of whether they will receive an award.
  3. To receive an award, you must be registered and have up-to-date information in the online System for Award Management or SAM (SAM.gov), which has replaced the Central Contractor Registry (CCR). As with the CCR, SAM registration is FREE of charge and required of all Federal awardees. Follow the FAQs and User Guides on the SAM.gov website for specific instructions.
  4. IF YOU REGISTERED PREVIOUSLY in the CCR, you don't have to do anything with SAM until it is time for your annual data update, unless there has been a change in your organization's financial or payment information. Your previously entered CCR data was migrated to the new SAM system, which will notify you via e-mail when it is time for your annual data update and verification. At that time you will need to create a new SAM account to check and verify your existing data; follow the SAM FAQs and User Guides for specific instructions.

    NEW AWARDEES. SAM registration is required to receive any Federal grant award. If your organization applied for a grant but has not yet registered in SAM, please go to Sam.gov/portal/public/SAM/ and follow the FAQs and User Guides to complete the registration process. AFG and SAFER awardees that have not completed the SAM registration process will not be able to draw grant funds.

    If you have questions about SAM registration, contact Jane Early (Jane.Early@fema.dhs.gov) or Chanee Williams (Chanee.Williams@fema.dhs.gov).

Bid Specification Announcement

Review your grant application’s requirements and get your bid specifications ready now.   If you receive an award, this early preparation will help you to implement your grant as soon as possible and help ensure you are able to complete your project within the period of performance.

Learn More


GRANTEE REMINDER: Don't Forget to File Your Grant's Semiannual Federal Financial Reports (SF-425)

Grantees that received awards on or after October 1, 2009, are required by law to submit semiannual Federal Financial Reports (FFR) (also known as Standard Form-425) throughout the grant's entire period of performance. They are due twice during the calendar year.

SF-425 Report Due Dates

  • January 30 (No later than January 30 for the period covering July 1 – December 31.)
  • July 30 (No later than July 30 for the period covering January 1 – June 30.)
  • Final SF-425: Due 90 days after the end date of the grant's performance period.

You must submit SF-425 reports by these specific dates for as long as your grant is open. Even if you just received the award on June 10, for example, and have not spent any grant funds, you will still have to submit a SF-425 by July 31 to report on the period of January 1 through June 30.

We advise you to write down the due dates for these reports and set up a system of reminders to ensure that you submit them on time. A past-due SF-425 report will delay approval of any payment or amendment request you may have pending.


  1. You'll prepare and submit your SF-425 reports online in the "Manage Grant" section of the E-Grant system at FEMA.gov/famsVuWeb/home.
  2. First, read the line-by-line instructions for completing your SF-425, which can be found on the AFG Website under "Grants Management Assistance" in Rules & Tools.
  3. Log in to the AFG's E-Grant System where you submitted your original application. Complete and submit the SF-425 by the required deadlines.
  4. Save printed copies of all submitted SF-425 reports in a grant binder and store the binder in a locked filing cabinet.
Last Updated: 
09/21/2012 - 09:28
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