Subcommittee Field Hearing: Texas Wildfire Review: Did Bureaucracy Prevent a Timely Response?

Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Management | 1100 Congress Avenue, Room E1.010 Austin, TX 78701 | Oct 17, 2011 10:00am


Panel I

Mr. W. Nim Kidd
Assistant Director
Emergency Management
Texas Department of Public Safety

Major General John F. Nichols
Adjutant General
Texas Military Forces Texas
[full text of testimony]

Mr. Kevin Starbuck
CEM, Emergency Management Coordinator
Amarillo/Potter/Randall Office of Emergency Management
[full text of testimony]

Panel II

Mr. Tom Harbour
Fire and Aviation Management
USDA Forest Service
[full text of testimony]

Mr. Tony Russell
Region VI Regional Administrator
Federal Emergency Management Agency
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
[full text of testimony]