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Economic Impacts
International Impacts

Provides general resources for the international economic impacts of invasive species. See other sections for species specific information:


A Toolkit for the Economic Analysis of Invasive Species (2008; PDF | 1.4 MB)
International Union for Conservation of Nature.
The aim of this toolkit is to provide a clear, user-friendly guide to the application of economic approaches and tools to invasive species. It addresses the issues associated with identifying the factors which cause the spread of invasives, incorporating consideration of invasive species into economic planning and policy-making, and identifying economic tools and measures to support on-the-ground management actions designed to address biological invasions. This toolkit has been produced for use in training courses to be held in Africa. It is targeted primarily at economists working in research and planning – in universities, research institutions, government agencies and non-governmental organisations. However, it is intended that the toolkit will also provide guidance on economics tools and approaches to scientists who are working on invasive species management.

Characterised and projected costs of nonindigenous species in Canada (PDF | 238 KB)
University of Windsor (Canada).
Published by: Colautti, Robert I., et al. 2006. Biological Invasions 8:45-59.

Cost of Invasive Non-native Species – Early Eradication Lessens Impact (Dec 15, 2010)
Scottish Goverment.
The financial cost of non-native species has been published in a new report. "The Economic Cost of Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) to the British Economy" suggests that invasive species cost 1.7 billion pounds every year. The research was conducted by the international scientific organization CABI for the Scottish Government, Defra and the Welsh Assembly Government and breaks down the effect on each country. It indicates that the economic cost of INNS can be wide ranging and can result in the loss of crops, ecosystems and livelihoods. The cost to the agriculture and horticulture sector alone is estimated to be 1 billion pounds across Britain. See Great Britain Non-native Species Secretariat - Reports for the full report and supporting document.

Counting the Costs of Alien Invasions (Apr 13, 2010)
BBC News.
Viewpoint from the Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme.

Ecologists Put Price Tag on Invasive Species: Research reports costs of invasive species' damage to ecosystem services (Apr 20, 2009)
Ecological Society of America.
In a study, How well do we understand the impacts of alien species on ecosystem services? A pan-European, cross-taxa assessment (published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment e-view), ecologists have listed the invasive species that cause the most harm to environment and cost the most money to control.

Economic Evaluation of Biological Invasions: A Survey (Jul 2004; PDF | 400 KB)
UFZ Centre for Environmental Research (Germany). Economics, Sociology and Law.

Economic Impacts of Invasive Plants in British Columbia
Invasive Species Council of British Columbia (Canada).

Economic Impact of the Spread of Alien Species in Germany (Jan 2003; PDF | 5 MB)
Miljøministeriet (Ministry of the Environment, Denmark). Skov- og Naturstyrelsen (Forest and Nature Agency). Nordic-Baltic Network on Invasive Species.

Economic Impacts of Invasive Alien Species: A Global Problem with Local Consequences (2007; PDF | 120 KB)
Global Invasive Species Programme.

Economic Impacts of Invasive Species (May 2008; PDF | 71 KB)
Legislative Library of British Columbia.

Invasive Species: A Costly Catastrophe for Native Biodiversity (PDF | 149 KB)
Land Use and Water Resources Research.
Published by: World Conservation Union. Biodiversity Programme. Jeff McNeely.

The Cost of Invasive Alien Species to Uganda: A Briefing Paper (2007; PDF | 19 KB)
CAB International; World Conservation Union. Invasive Alien Species Project.

The Economic Impact and Appropriate Management of Selected Invasive Alien Species on the African Continent (Feb 2007; PDF | 1.2 MB)
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (South Africa); Global Invasive Species Programme.

The Economic Implications of Invasive Species in International Trade: The Chile-US Fresh Fruit Market (May 2004; PDF | 110 KB)
Pacific Economic Cooperation Council.

The Economics of Terrestrial Invasive Species: A Review of the Literature (Apr 2006; PDF | 261 KB)
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review.

Non-native Species Cost 'British economy £1.7bn' (Dec 10, 2010) and Counting the Cost of Alien Invasions (Apr 13, 2010)
BBC News.

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Last Modified: Aug 02, 2012
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