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‹ U.S. States

U.S. States

State Profiles and Energy Estimates

State Energy Data System (SEDS): 1960-2010 (Complete)

Comprehensive state-level estimates of energy production, consumption, prices and expenditures by source and sector. See Notes and Documentation, Data and Methodology Changes, and Codes and Descriptions for additional information.

Released: June 29, 2012
Next Release: June 28, 2013

Consumption All States United States
Summary 2010 1960-2010
Consumption Overview: Primary Energy Source and End-Use Sectors HTML PDF
Consumption for Major Energy Sources in Physical Units HTML PDF HTML
Primary Energy Consumption HTML PDF HTML
Sector 2010 1960-2010
Residential HTML PDF HTML
Commercial HTML PDF HTML
Industrial HTML PDF HTML
Transportation HTML PDF HTML
Electric Power Sector HTML PDF HTML
Ranked by State 2010
Consumption by End-Use Sector HTML PDF
Consumption by Energy Source and Per Capita HTML PDF
Consumption, GDP, and Energy Intensity HTML PDF
Full Reports & Data Files 1960-2010 1960-2010
All Consumption Estimates PDF PDF CSV
in Physical Units CSV ZIP
in Btu CSV ZIP
Thermal Conversion Factors CSV XLS
Prices & Expenditures All States United States
Prices 2010
Primary Energy, Electricity, and Total Energy HTML PDF
Total End-Use HTML PDF
Residential HTML PDF
Commercial HTML PDF
Industrial HTML PDF
Transportation HTML PDF
Electric Power Sector HTML PDF
Expenditures 2010
Primary Energy, Electricity, and Total Energy HTML PDF
Total End-Use HTML PDF
Residential HTML PDF
Commercial HTML PDF
Industrial HTML PDF
Transportation HTML PDF
Electric Power Sector HTML PDF
Prices and Expenditures 1970-2010
Primary Energy, Electricity, and Total Energy HTML
Total End-Use HTML
Residential HTML
Commercial HTML
Industrial HTML
Transportation HTML
Electric Power Sector HTML
Prices and Expenditures Ranked by State 2010
Total Energy HTML PDF
Motor Gasoline HTML PDF
Petroleum and Natural Gas HTML PDF
Coal and Retail Electricity HTML PDF
Full Reports & Data Files 1970-2010 1970-2010
All Price and Expenditure Estimates PDF PDF CSV
Prices CSV ZIP
Expenditures CSV ZIP
Adjusted Consumption for Expenditure Calculations CSV
Production All States United States
Summary 2010 1960-2010
Production in Physical Units PDF XLS PDF XLS
Production in Btu PDF XLS PDF XLS
Production - Consumption Comparison PDF XLS
Ranked by State 2010
Production in Physical Units PDF XLS
Production in Btu PDF XLS
Full Report & Data File 1960-2010
All Production Estimates PDF XLS
Data Files All States United States
Consumption 1960-2010 1960-2010
All Consumption Estimates   CSV
in Physical Units CSV ZIP
in Btu CSV ZIP
Thermal Conversion Factors CSV XLS
Prices and Expenditures 1970-2010 1970-2010
All Price and Expenditure Estimates   CSV
Prices CSV ZIP
Expenditures CSV ZIP
Adjusted Consumption for Expenditure Calculations CSV
Production 1960-2010  
All Production Estimates XLS
Consolidated Data File 1960-2010  
Consumption, Prices, Expenditures, and Production Estimates (1.4 million records) CSV ZIP