
Republicans Spout Hot Air on Jobs, Attack Clean Air

Posted on by Karina

According to a new poll released this afternoon, nearly 8 in 10 Americans (77%) oppose efforts by Republicans in Congress to block the EPA from updating safeguards to protect our health from dangerous air pollution.

House Republicans aren’t listening–today, Chairman of the House Energy & Commerce Committee Fred Upton (R-MI) unveiled draft legislation to rollback Clean Air safeguards that make the air American families breathe safer and encourage American companies to make investments in clean energy. From the National Journal:

House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., and Senate Environment and Public Works ranking member James Inhofe, R-Okla., will introduce companion bills that strip the Environmental Protection Agency’s power to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act…

EPA criticized the proposals in a statement. “These efforts would halt EPA’s common-sense steps under the Clean Air Act to protect Americans from harmful air pollution that, until now, has not been subject to any pollution standards,” the agency said. “They would also prevent EPA from updating Clean Air Act standards to better direct investment toward the kinds of clean energy upgrades that create American jobs, provide American companies certainty and a level playing field, and make American companies more competitive.”

Democrats are focused on Americans’ top priority – jobs – and are committed to a common sense energy policy that spurs investment in American companies and innovation, creates American jobs, reduces our dependence on foreign oil to make America more secure, and ensures a cleaner, more energy-efficient future for our children.

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