Argonne National Laboratory Technology Development and Commercialization U.S. Department of Energy
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Licensing Intellectual Property from Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne's licensing program provides companies with opportunities to acquire rights in Argonne inventions and copyrights. Licenses may be nonexclusive or exclusive, depending on the nature of the intellectual property and the business fields to be actively pursued by the licensee. There is no single License format, rather License terms are negotiated on an individual basis between Technology Development and Commercialization and the prospective Licensee. These terms are then provided to the Legal Department for the formal legal document to be drafted.

If you are interested in licensing any of the technology developed at Argonne National Laboratory, the first step is to contact TDC with such a request. The TDC account manager who has responsibility for the technology will then contact you regarding you request. The company needs to complete a commercialization questionnaire which will provide the framework for the development of licensing terms.

Sample Licensing questionnaire: Commercialization Plan Worksheet

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