Maternal and Child Health Training Program

Where MCH leadership begins.

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Our Stories:  MCH Training Programs of Maryland

In recognition of national commitment to women, children and families, the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Training Programs of Maryland hosted a luncheon and seminar on October 22, 2010 to commemorate Title V and the Social Security Act, and to pay special tribute to the memory of Dr. Vince Hutchins. Below are recordings of remarks from each of MCH Training Programs Director from LEND, Social Work, LEAH, COR, and SPH.

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Webinar Archive
The Latest MCH Data on MCHB's Discretionary Grant Information System (DGIS).

In Trainee's Words - Ashley Belton

In Trainee's Words
Ashley Belton reflects on her experience at the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB).

MCH Navigator

MCH Navigator Exit Disclaimer
The MCH Navigator is a learning portal that links individuals to existing open-access training, organized in areas consistent with nationally endorsed public health and MCH leadership competencies. Access this free, online training at Exit Disclaimer.

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Did you know...
...that MCH Training Programs provided continuing education to 234,315 professionals and collaborated with to 95,770 agencies?

Topics of Interest

Performance Measures

Life Course


MCH Leadership Competencies

Family-Centered and Family-Directed Practice