FHLBank Advisory Council Reports and Community Lending Plans

The Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBank) administer three housing and community economic development programs: the Affordable Housing Program (AHP), the Community Investment Cash Advance (CICA) program, and the Community Investment Program (CIP).  Each FHLBank's Advisory Council must submit annually to the Federal Housing Finance Agency its analysis of the low- or moderate-income housing and community lending activity of the FHLBank.  Each FHLBank must publish the report on its Web site.

Each FHLBank must also develop and adopt annually a targeted Community Lending Plan.  The purpose of the Community Lending Plan is to assess the credit needs and market opportunities in the FHLBank's district for targeted community lending.  

Review the following links to view the FHLBanks Advisory Council Reports and Community Lending Plans.

Advisory Council Reports - RSS 2.0

Advisory Council Reports

- 2011
  2011 FHLBank of Atlanta Advisory Council Report
  2011 FHLBank of Boston Advisory Council Report
  2011 FHLBank of Chicago Advisory Council Report
  2011 FHLBank of Cincinnati Advisory Council Report
  2011 FHLBank of Dallas Advisory Council Report
  2011 FHLBank of Des Moines Advisory Council Report
  2011 FHLBank of Indianapolis Advisory Council Report
  2011 FHLBank of New York Advisory Council Report
  2011 FHLBank of Pittsburgh Advisory Council Report
  2011 FHLBank of San Francisco Advisory Council Report
  2011 FHLBank of Seattle Advisory Council Report
  2011 FHLBank of Topeka Advisory Council Report
+ 2010
+ 2009

FHLBank Community Lending Plans - RSS 2.0

FHLBank Community Lending Plans

- 2012
  2012 FHLBank of Atlanta Community Lending Plan
  2012 FHLBank of Boston Community Lending Plan
  2012 FHLBank of Chicago Community Lending Plan
  2012 FHLBank of Cincinnati Community Lending Plan
  2012 FHLBank of Dallas Community Lending Plan
  2012 FHLBank of Des Moines Community Lending Plan
  2012 FHLBank of Indianapolis Community Lending Plan
  2012 FHLBank of New York Community Lending Plan
  2012 FHLBank of Pittsburgh Community Lending Plan
  2012 FHLBank of San Francisco Community Lending Plan
  2012 FHLBank of Seattle Community Lending Plan
  2012 FHLBank of Topeka Community Lending Plan
+ 2011
+ 2010