Welcome A message from EFETAC's Director, Danny C. Lee

Welcome to the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center!  Our website provides an in-depth view of our research, our team, and our partners – each extremely important to the Center’s goal of creating cutting-edge research, technology, and tools to address current and emerging forest threats.


News Alert President Obama Proclaims National Forest Products Week

Most American’s don’t realize that forest products are a part of daily life. From buildings, bridges, and paper, to energy, chemicals and even jobs, our society depends on trees to provide for us.

News Alert Testing the Survival of American Chestnut Seedlings

Efforts to test the reintroduction of blight-resistant chestnut seedlings have been underway since 2007, when the American Chestnut Foundation, the U.S. Forest Service, and the University of Tennessee began collaborating on chestnut restoration research on national forests lands.

News Alert On The Campaign Trail, Regulations Dominate The Environmental Debate

In previous elections, candidates from both parties have campaigned on pledges to be environmental presidents. This time, neither candidate is talking much about cleaning up the air or protecting scenic lands.

News Alert InciWeb provides the latest wildfire information

View wildfire updates on InciWeb, the interagency all-risk incident information management system.

News Alert Study confirms sea-level rise is accelerating along northeast U.S. coast

A new study by emeritus professor John Boon of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science shows that the rate of sea-level rise is increasing at tidal stations along the Atlantic coast of North America, including those in Norfolk, Baltimore, New York, and Boston.

News Alert Hemlock pilot project expanding

A West Virginia Department of Agriculture program launched last year to combat a pest that is slowly killing the state’s hemlock trees will be expanded to additional counties this year.

News Alert Forest fertilization can increase production, decrease carbon emissions, expert says

Trees are estimated to take up about 13 percent of the carbon dioxide emissions from a region. If they are fertilized, thus growing bigger faster, they can store more carbon in their tissue and in the soil beneath them.

News Alert Demise of El Niño Throws a Wrench in Winter Outlook

The upcoming winter is likely to be a mild and dry one for the West and the Upper Midwest, while parts of the Southeast may see cooler and wetter than average conditions, according to the official U.S. winter outlook by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

News Alert East Coast Facing Major Threat From Hurricane Sandy

While there remains a lot of uncertainty about its path, computer-model projections continue to show that the storm will likely make a feared turn into the densely populated Northeast coastline early next week as a hurricane, or hurricane-like storm system.

News Alert Palm tree-killing weevil found in South Texas

An intensive, area-wide survey of the Lower Rio Grande Valley has detected the presence of a palm tree-killing weevil that has caused extensive damage in other parts of the world.

News Alert State of the Climate

View monthly State of the Climate reports from the National Climatic Data Center.

News Alert Why Are Coastal Salt Marshes Falling Apart?

Salt marshes have been disintegrating and dying over the past two decades along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard and other highly developed coastlines without anyone fully understanding why.

News Alert In Blown-Down Forests, A Story Of Survival

To preserve forest health, the best management decision may be to do nothing.

News Alert Climate-changing methane 'rapidly destabilizing' off East Coast, study finds

A changing Gulf Stream off the East Coast has destabilized frozen methane deposits trapped under nearly 4,000 square miles of seafloor, scientists reported.

News Alert Ozone Affects Forest Watersheds

Scientists find ozone causes forests to use more water, reducing availability in the Southeast.

News Alert New Study Ties Hurricane Strength To Global Warming

A team of scientists say that hurricanes are, indeed, more of a danger when ocean temperatures are higher.

News Alert U.S. Drought Monitor tracks drought across the nation

View current drought conditions and forecasts from the U.S. Drought Monitor.

News Alert Scientists seek national wildlife conservation network

Wildlife conservation efforts in the United States are facing habitat loss, climate change and major reductions in funding.

News Alert Forest Service cracks down on ginseng poaching

The U.S. Forest Service National Forests in North Carolina law enforcement officers are cracking down on the poaching of ginseng in the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests.

News Alert Invasive Grasses as Biofuel? Scientists Protest

More than 200 scientists from across the country have sent a letter to the Obama administration urging the Environmental Protection Agency to reconsider a rule that would allow two invasive grasses to qualify as advanced biofuel feedstock under the nation’s renewable fuel standard.

News Alert New Tools to Bring Back the American Chestnut

It’s been a long time now since American chestnut trees dominated the forest canopies of the East, so long that there are few people alive who remember stands with trees nearly the size of redwoods or the pungent smell of chestnuts in bloom that filled the forests before the blight came.

News Alert Asbestos, 60 million pounds of debris dumped on farm leads to pollution convictions

Where to dump 60 million pounds of demolition debris, much of it containing asbestos? How about an upstate New York farm that also has wetlands and runs along a river? That act led to the conviction this week of two men who now face years in prison and hefty fines.

News Alert Searching for a silver bullet: Measuring biodiversity to inform species conservation

Ecologists in the University of Georgia Odum School of Ecology have found that evolutionary diversity can be an effective method for identifying hotspots of mammal biodiversity.

News Alert Most Say Global Warming is Real, But Does That Mean They’re Ready to Make Changes?

Surveys show the American public is more convinced of the reality of global warming – but how much will that really shift policy?

News Alert Maine Gardener: Winged interloper threatens Maine's hardwoods

The winter moth has already established colonies in Harpswell and Vinalhaven, and could expand from those two coastal communities.

News Alert ARS Scientists Devising New Ways to Protect Avocados

Laurel wilt disease is caused by the fungus Raffaelea lauricola, and is vectored by the redbay ambrosia beetle, an invasive pest from Asia that has spread to the Carolinas, Florida and west to Mississippi.

News Alert Bur oak blight spreading concern in the Midwest

Bur oak blight, or BOB for short, is a newly identified native disease that causes late season leaf browning.

News Alert Aging Pipeline Poses Threat to Great Lakes, Report Says

A report by the National Wildlife Federation questions the safety of a network of oil pipelines operated by Enbridge that run through the Great Lakes region.

News Alert Global warming brings southern Ohio trees to northern areas

For the first time, two tree species more commonly found in warmer southern Ohio are being planted in a northern county's park.

News Alert Climate Change ‘Footprint’ Cited in Disaster Loss Trends

North America has seen the world’s sharpest increase in the number of natural catastrophes during the past 32 years, a trend that in some respects is linked to manmade global warming, according to a report from the global reinsurance giant Munich Re.

News Alert US Forest Service waives fees during Veterans Day weekend

The fee waivers--the fourth this year--are offered in cooperation with other federal agencies under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act.

News Alert New app lets you report invasive species

Now there's a new tool for fighting alien invasions. Your smart phone.

News Alert Coyotes becoming problem for urban areas

As residential developments spread into former pastures and woodlands, coyote sightings are becoming more common for homeowners.

News Alert U.S. Forest Service Wants You to Get in Where You Fit In!

Every fall, nature puts on a dazzling show across America’s great outdoors for all of us to see.

News Alert Pacific Ocean Patterns Tied to Violent Tornado Outbreaks

The key to forecasting the severity of a tornado season may lie thousands of miles away from America’s “Tornado Alley,” in the wide expanse of the tropical Pacific Ocean, according to a new study.

Recent Publications view all recent publications
Page Effect of soils on water quantity and quality in piedmont forested headwater watersheds of North Carolina pdf
Page Forest tree diseases and climate change pdf
Page Climate change and invasive plants in forests and rangelands pdf
Page Microtopography recreation benefits ecosystem restoration pdf
Page Scientific Basis for Modeling Wildland Fire Management: The Phase II Report of the National Science and Analysis Team pdf
Page Interactive influences of ozone and climate on streamflow of forested watersheds pdf
Page State of Mid-Atlantic Region Forests in 2000 Summary Report pdf
Page State of Mid-Atlantic Region Forests in 2000 pdf
Page Decline of forest interior conditions in the conterminous United States pdf
Page Determining suitable locations for seed transfer under climate change: A global quantitative method pdf
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