U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention - Leading the effort to treat and prevent diabetes in American Indians and Alaska Natives

Web-Based Trainings

Get CME/CE credit for diabetes-related online courses and seminars developed by the Division of Diabetes, designed for clinicians and other health professionals serving in the Indian health system. In addition, this section has information on external training opportunities and upcoming conferences.

CME/CE Trainings

Advancements in Diabetes Seminars
Earn CME/CE credit for online seminars presented by diabetes experts, covering what's new and offering practical tools. Sessions are recorded; earlier Advancements presentations are available to watch anytime, '24/7'. (Only the 'live' online seminars carry credits.)

CKD Management
This training discusses guidelines to address progression and comorbidities which affect CKD outcomes. It describes adherence to the guidelines, models for improving outcomes and opportunities for effective interventions.

CKD Nutrition
This training reviews kidney function, how to identify and monitor CKD in patients with diabetes. Describes new tools from the National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP) and discusses nutrition assessment and diet recommendations, including guidance for patients on dialysis.

CKD Screening
This training will cover several areas including definitions, screening, diagnosing and monitoring of chronic kidney disease and preview tools for patient education. Application of the information to several case studies will illustrate the concepts discussed in the training.

Diabetes Foot Care
This training provides a review of foot care for patients with diabetes. It contains in-depth information on foot care treatment and injury prevention. Training also includes description of a Best Practice in foot care.

Diabetes and Oral Health Connection
This training reviews the etiology, signs, and symptoms of periodontal disease, the providers role in screening for periodontal disease, the dental team's role in the treatment of periodontal disease and the connection between periodontal disease and diabetes management.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Diabetes
This training reviews the pathophysiology, prevalence and medical implications of obstructive sleep apnea, especially as it relates to diabetes. It discusses home sleep testing, treatment options and clinical practice implications.

Physical Activity
This training reviews the latest guidelines for physical activity and cardiometabolic risk reduction in people with diabetes or prediabetes. It presents the current recommendations for weight loss and the management of diabetes and prediabetes.

Preventing Amputations in Diabetes
Reviews guidelines for screening and prevention of neuropathic and ischemic foot ulcers in people with diabetes. Incudes recommendations for care and for treatment of infections and other complications.

Non-CME/CE Trainings

Communication Skills
These award winning* video trainings include handouts and discussion guides designed to help health care providers and others work more effectively with patients and co-workers.
* Adobe e-learning Challenge Best Video Runner Up 2009 Exit Disclaimer – You Are Leaving www.ihs.gov

Effects of Early Life Experience on Diabetes Risk
This training reviews the research related to brain development, genetics and fetal origin, and it describes evidence-based interventions to break the cycle.

Program Planning and Evaluation
This training and corresponding workbook offer an introduction to the concepts and processes of planning and evaluating a diabetes program.


Help iconRequirements: You must have a computer with broadband Internet access. For the best experience viewing the videos, use Internet Explorer 7 or greater and Flash 8 player. Click on the "Flash" icon to install the player, if necessary. If you have any trouble viewing the video trainings, contact us at diabetesprogram@ihs.gov for alternate viewing options.

Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention | Phone: (505) 248-4182 | Fax: (505) 248-4188 | diabetesprogram@ihs.gov