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Wildland Fire Leadership Council Logo

Wildland Fire Leadership Council Meeting

September 29-30, 2010
Washington, DC

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Action Items

  • Use transmittal letter to more clearly define the core messages of the strategy. (OWFC)
  • WFLC will prepare thank you letters to pertinent supervisors signed by Rhea Suh and Jay Jensen. (Kate D’Ambrosio by October 8)

Thursday, September 30, 2010


  • Accepted the reports with recommended edits from WFLC to go forward to necessary review.
  • Appoint an individual to the interim non-federal CSOC group from the NLC
  • Will proceed to make the Phase II governance group WFEC compliant with FACA. In the meantime, WFLC will keep the non-federal component of the CSOC in place with addition of a NLC member, along with Kirk Rowdabaugh and Tom Harbour to fill the governance role.
  • Next meeting, March 10 and 11, 2011, in Washington, DC.

Action Items

  • Next 14 days, provide a list of membership for the WFEC. (CSOC)
  • Within 30 days, committee will present a timeline, including the deliverables, to WFLC for those items identified on page 10 of the document, “A Path Toward a National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy.” (CSOC)
  • Within 60 days, the committee will bring back to WFLC with the names and organizations of members of the Regional Strategy Committees. (CSOC)
  • Thank you letters from WFLC to Congressional staff participants of the Hill Visits—signed by one federal member, one non-federal member, that includes the link to the website.  (Kate D’Ambrosio by October 8, 2010, signed by Rhea Suh and Dan or Mary)
  • Last edits for reports will come to Tom Harbour and Kirk Rowdabaugh by October 8, 2010.
  • Agenda items and identified stakeholder input will be submitted by mid-January by WFLC members to Tom Harbour and Kirk Rowdabaugh.
  • Agenda item for the March meeting will be outreach to the Hill during March 10 and 11 meeting.  
  • NGA addition to WFEC appendix on page 39.

Last modified: Friday March 16 2012