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Caption: Ensign Tanner Feistner (shown here with his children Trent and Macenzie during a recent trip to the Trinity site) has been recommended for a Joint Service Commendation Medal for saving a child's life in a drowning accident. (Photo courtesy of Ensign Tanner Feistner)

DTRA/SCC-WMD Officer Saves Child's Life

by By Patricia Chavez
July 7, 2010
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When you hear of a military service member being a hero, you usually picture a soldier committing an act of heroism during war or in the line of duty.

This is not the case with U.S. Navy Ensign Tanner Feistner. He saved a drowning child’s life. He is a hero.

It was a typical hot summer day at Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) in Albuquerque when Feistner decided to take his family to the KAFB pool to cool off.

When the pool attendant pointed out a child face down in the water, Feistner reacted quickly.

“I pulled him out of the water and he was limp. He was not breathing--his skin was grey, his lips were blue and his eyes were rolled back in his head. I thought the worst,” said Feistner.

He immediately began administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

“During the first five chest compressions, nothing but water was coming out of his mouth,” said Feistner. “I just kept doing CPR, hoping he would start breathing. Then a gentleman next to me said he’s breathing, he’s breathing.”

Feistner laid him on his side as the child still had fluid in his chest. The child’s family rushed to his side and held him until the paramedics arrived. The paramedics told Feistner that the child would have died if he hadn’t administered CPR.

The boy was admitted to the hospital and released later that evening.

“I’m just glad he is ok,” said Feister.

Feistner is a nuclear warhead program specialist with DTRA’s Nuclear Support Logistics Division.

“Feistner’s superiors and coworkers consider his motivation, outstanding work ethic and extensive skills a true asset to DTRA,” said Albuquerque’s Senior Enlisted Leader, SMSgt. Paula Haynesworth. “His quick action saved a child’s life. He is our local hero.”



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