
Full Year 2012

Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies

Fitness, Nutrition, Physical Activity | October, 9 2012

By: Jim Pivarnik, Ph.D., President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Science Board member

Having studied physical activity during pregnancy for over 25 years, I am amazed at how far we have progressed.  When I began to research this area in the late 1980's, information was scarce, and recommendations were very conservative.  This only makes sense, as "first do no harm" is even more important than normal when you are talking about protecting the maternal-fetal unit.

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Fuel For Success: My Sports Plate

Nutrition | October, 2 2012

By: Allyson Felix, U.S. Track and Field Olympian & Member of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition and Kevin Concannon, Under Secretary for USDA Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

The new nutrition standards established by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act at the US Department of Agriculture represent an important step in America’s fight against childhood obesity and will help promote healthy eating habits for youth in our nation’s schools. These standards promote a balanced diet of additional fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, lean proteins, and whole grains, while eating less sugar, saturated fat, and sodium.

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IOM Supports Direction of Presidential Youth Fitness Program

Fitness, Physical Education, Youth | October, 1 2012

By: Stella Lucia Volpe, Ph.D., RD, LDN, FACSM, Chair of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Science Board

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report that provides guidance on youth fitness measures as they relate to health outcomes.  The report affirmed that fitness is a marker for health among youth and the use of certain measures in a school setting can enhance student learning and provide feedback on current health status and future health risk.

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America’s Youth Fitness Test Gets a Makeover

Physical Activity, President's Challenge, Youth | September, 11 2012

By: Dr. Jayne Greenberg, district director of physical education and health literacy for Miami-Dade County Public Schools (Fla.) and President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition Council Member

More than two decades after its last update, the physical fitness test many of us did in school is getting a makeover. Just in time for the new school year, the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition (PCFSN) announced that the former Physical Fitness Test is now the Presidential Youth Fitness Program, and that it will focus primarily on assessing health versus athleticism for America’s youth.

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Help America’s Youth Get Healthy During National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

Fitness | August, 31 2012

By: Drew Brees, NFL Quarterback and Co-Chair of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month Exit Disclaimer and it also marks the start of the new school year for kids across America. The President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition is ramping up its efforts to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity and good nutrition, and is challenging each of us to help America's youth lead a healthier lifestyle.

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