
Author Archives: Faiz Shakir

Today, Republican Budget Committee Chairman Ryan makes his return back to Washington and Republicans are holding a welcome back party to celebrate this afternoon. Speaker Boehner was even so excited about his pending return the truth slipped out during an … Continue reading

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Democrats have been united in fighting back against Republicans’ efforts to end the traditional Medicare guarantee. Watch: Rep. Paul Ryan has led House Republicans in voting to end the Medicare guarantee, which increases costs on seniors in order to give … Continue reading

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The House will soon vote on H.R. 8, a Republican-sponsored measure which would end vital expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit and ends the American Opportunity Tax Credit (which helps make college more affordable … Continue reading

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The Democratic Leader’s press office released this new video, which documents how House Republicans are wasting time with pointless votes and ignoring the top priority for the middle class: jobs. The House GOP is now holding the middle class tax … Continue reading

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This morning, Speaker Boehner released a video attempting to pin blame on President Obama and Democrats for the Congressional Republicans’ failure to act on job-creation legislation. Speaker Boehner’s video is an attempt to mask the fact that the House GOP … Continue reading

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As Leader Pelosi said last week, “Instead of heading home, we should stay here in the House and pass the middle income tax cuts to help restore stability and certainty for America’s families, workers, and businesses.” Despite the urgent need … Continue reading

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Today, Leader Pelosi called on Speaker Boehner to cancel next week’s recess and get to work on passing the transportation bill. With overwhelming bipartisan support, the Senate voted 74-22 in March to pass a bill that would immediately save or … Continue reading

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This afternoon, House Democrats held a hearing, co-chaired by Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Congressman George Miller (D-CA), to discuss the need for legislation that gives rights to employees to challenge and eliminate pay discrimination in the workplace. The Paycheck … Continue reading

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