House Passes Transportation Security Legislation to Improve Efficiency of Airport Baggage Screening

Washington, D.C. – Today, the House of Representatives passed important legislation to improve the efficiency of baggage screening at U.S. airports and save taxpayer dollars.  H.R. 6028, the No-Hassle Flying Act of 2012, within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Homeland Security, chaired by Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), has earned bipartisan support.

Chairman King said: “Congressman Walsh deserves great credit for this legislation, and I’m pleased that the House has passed this commonsense bill to improve TSA’s baggage screening procedures, more efficiently securing our Nation’s aviation system.  By streamlining the process of screening checked baggage, certain connecting passengers would reach their destinations with fewer hassles, saving money without affecting security.”

H.R. 6028, the No-Hassle Flying Act of 2012, introduced by Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL), streamlines the aviation security process and saves taxpayer dollars by giving TSA the discretion to determine, on a location-by-location basis, if rescreening of checked baggage is necessary upon arrival in the U.S. from a preclearance foreign airport and prior to boarding a connecting domestic flight.  Currently, the practice of rescreening checked baggage arriving from preclearance airports causes many passengers to miss connecting domestic flights.

Rep. Walsh said: “U.S. law today requires all baggage entering the United States be re-screened by a TSA agent, regardless of where it originates.  This double security does not equal double safety – it equals missed flights, more hassles, and it wastes taxpayer dollars.  I am pleased my colleagues in the House agree with me and that they voted to support this commonsense measure.”

H.R. 6028 passed the House by voice vote.

For more information on the legislation passed today, visit the Committee on Homeland Security website.

