
Category Archives: Financial Reform

This morning, Leader Pelosi met with Elizabeth Warren, Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, along with freshmen, sophomore and junior Members of the Democratic Caucus: Tomorrow marks … Continue reading

Posted in Consumer Protections, Financial Reform, What's Happening | Leave a comment

In the 111th Congress, Democrats have been working with President Obama to move America forward, restore Main Street values, and create jobs here at home. We are fighting for an approach that lifts every American, not just the privileged few—in … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Consumer Protections, Correcting the Record, Energy Independence, Financial Reform, Fiscal Responsibility, Labor and American Jobs, Retirement Security, The Environment, Veterans | Leave a comment

According to a report released yesterday by the Center for Automotive Research, government action supporting the auto industry prevented a $26.8 billion loss to the American taxpayer and saved nearly 1.5 million American jobs. And today’s initial public stock offering … Continue reading

Posted in Correcting the Record, Economic News, Financial Reform, Labor and American Jobs | Leave a comment

Yesterday, former President Bush validated what Democrats have been warning against for months: Congressional Republicans want to return to the “exact same agenda” to privatize Social Security and hand it over to Wall Street. The Republican agenda is being promoted … Continue reading

Posted in Draining the Swamp, Financial Reform, Retirement Security | Leave a comment

Secret money from corporate special interests – that favor shipping American jobs overseas, turning Social Security over to Wall Street and turning Medicare over to the insurance companies – is funding the not-so-secret Republican agenda. Bruce Josten, Executive Vice President … Continue reading

Posted in Consumer Protections, Draining the Swamp, Financial Reform, Labor and American Jobs, Oversight, Retirement Security | Leave a comment

This afternoon, Speaker Pelosi held a brief press availability with Elizabeth Warren, Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, prior to their meeting in the Capitol: Transcript:

Posted in Consumer Protections, Financial Reform, What's Happening | Leave a comment

House Republicans are going out of their way to pull a fast one on the American people. Today they are calling for a vote to end TARP early – but Democrats in the House already enacted Wall Street Reform legislation … Continue reading

Posted in Correcting the Record, Economic News, Financial Reform | Leave a comment

In an interview today with CNN’s Dana Bash to discuss the GOP’s “new” agenda, House Republican Leader John Boehner appeared to just make up a number when pressed for specifics about where the GOP would cut spending: How about the … Continue reading

Posted in Correcting the Record, Economic News, Financial Reform | Leave a comment

Congressional Republicans continue to call for a rollback of Wall Street reforms — leaving the financial security of American families at risk due to the recklessness of Big Banks and Wall Street executives, whose actions led to a meltdown that … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Reform, Fiscal Responsibility, In the News | Leave a comment

Congressional Republicans, led by GOP Leader John Boehner, plan to unveil their agenda in late September, but as Politico points out today: “there are few authentically original or viable ideas.” In fact, Mr. Boehner has promised “new policy prescriptions twice, … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Financial Reform, Fiscal Responsibility, In the News, Labor and American Jobs, Retirement Security | Leave a comment