Federal Aviation Administration

Regulatory Support Division
Airman Testing Standards Branch

The Airman Testing Standards Branch plans, develops, and maintains materials related to airman certification training and testing. This includes airman knowledge and skill tests, computer testing supplements, knowledge test guides, practical test standards, training handbooks, and computer testing sites listing.

Testing & Training Information
Practical Test Standards
Test Guides
Test Questions
Test Statistics
Training Handbooks

How do I request a change to personal information on my Airman Knowledge Test Report?

Contact Information
Stanley Roberts
Branch Manager
Phone: (405) 954-4151
Fax: (405) 954-4748

Page Last Modified: 09/26/12 11:04 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/avs/offices/afs/afs600/afs630/