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FAQs for the Vendor Application

Click on a topic, and then click a question to view its answer. Show All

  • What is (Acronyms and Definitions)
  • Overview of VIPR & the Vendor Application
  • Contracting with the Forest Service on Fire / Incidents
  • Getting Started with the Vendor Application
  • Solicitations for Resources

    Overview of VIPR & the Vendor Applicationreturn to top

    1. What is VIPR?

      VIPR is the Virtual Incident Procurement (VIPR) system that allows the Contracting Officers (COs) to create, award, and manage solicitations and agreements through an electronic procurement process. VIPR provides numerous tools for COs to use for incident blanket purchase agreements (I-BPAs), including creation of solicitations and amendments, collection and evaluation of offers, electronic award and modification of agreements, electronic management of contract files, and creation of Dispatch Priority Lists (DPLs).

    2. Is VIPR an interagency system?

      VIPR is a USDA Forest Service incident procurement system. The Department of Interior has decided not to use VIPR at this time, and there has been no expressed interest from State agencies to participate in VIPR.

    3. What is the vendor application?

      The VIPR vendor application is an interactive, Web-based application designed to provide vendors with a user friendly, intuitive vendor solution when using VIPR. The vendor application uses wizard technology to provide step-by-step instructions to assist vendors in adding their resources into VIPR, finding solicitations that match their resources, submitting quotes on solicitations and amendments, and updating their company and resource information.

      The vendor application is available for vendors responding to solicitations and modifications for:

      • Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Apparatus
      • All Terrain Vehicle
      • Chainsaw Repair Service
      • Chipper
      • Clerical Support Unit
      • Coach Bus
      • Communications Trailer
      • Copier
      • Crew Carrier Bus
      • Faller
        • Faller Module
        • Single Faller
      • Fuel Tenders
      • Generic*
      • GIS Unit
      • Heavy Equipment
        • Dozer
        • Excavator
        • Tractor Plow
        • Transport
      • Heavy Equipment with Water
        • Pumper Cat
        • Skidgine
        • Softtrack
      • Helicopter Operations Support Trailer
      • Mechanic with Service Truck
      • Miscellaneous Heavy Equipment
        • Feller Buncher
        • Masticator (Boom Mounted)
        • Masticator (Track Mounted)
        • Road Grader
        • Skidder
      • Mobile Laundry Unit
      • Mobile Sleeper Unit
      • Portable Toilet
      • Potable & Gray Water Trucks/Handwashing Station (Trailer Mounted)
        • Handwashing Station (Trailer Mounted)
        • Gray Water Truck
        • Potable Water Truck
      • Refridgerated Trailers
      • Rental Vehicle
        • Rental Passenger Vehicle
        • Rental Truck
      • Tent
        • Tent
        • Tent - Canopy
      • Vehicle with Driver
      • Water Handling
        • Engines
        • Water Tender (Support)
        • Water Tender (Tactical)
      • Weed Washing Units

      *Generic resources are used for various local equipment and services not listed on the National Solicitation Plan for I-BPAs, but may be identified on the Method of Hire (MOH) chart located in the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook (IIBMH).

    4. Who will use the vendor application?

      The vendor application is available for vendors responding to solicitations and modifications for:

      • Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Apparatus
      • All Terrain Vehicle
      • Chainsaw Repair Service
      • Chipper
      • Clerical Support Unit
      • Coach Bus
      • Communications Trailer
      • Copier
      • Crew Carrier Bus
      • Faller
        • Faller Module
        • Single Faller
      • Fuel Tenders
      • Generic*
      • GIS Unit
      • Heavy Equipment
        • Dozer
        • Excavator
        • Tractor Plow
        • Transport
      • Heavy Equipment with Water
        • Pumper Cat
        • Skidgine
        • Softtrack
      • Helicopter Operations Support Trailer
      • Mechanic with Service Truck
      • Miscellaneous Heavy Equipment
        • Feller Buncher
        • Masticator (Boom Mounted)
        • Masticator (Track Mounted)
        • Road Grader
        • Skidder
      • Mobile Laundry Unit
      • Mobile Sleeper Unit
      • Portable Toilet
      • Potable & Gray Water Trucks/Handwashing Station (Trailer Mounted)
        • Handwashing Station (Trailer Mounted)
        • Gray Water Truck
        • Potable Water Truck
      • Rental Vehicle
        • Rental Passenger Vehicle
        • Rental Truck
      • Tent
        • Tent
        • Tent - Canopy
      • Vehicle with Driver
      • Water Handling
        • Engines
        • Water Tender (Support)
        • Water Tender (Tactical)
      • Weed Washing Units
      • *Generic resources are used for various local equipment and services not listed on the National Solicitation Plan for I-BPAs, but may be identified on the Method of Hire (MOH) chart located in the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook (IIBMH).

    5. When will the vendor application be available?

      The implementation of resources into the vendor application will occur in phases. Resources scheduled for solicitation or re-solicitation in 2011 and beyond will be developed for use with the new vendor application in VIPR. All other remaining resources will be converted in 2013, so that Formatta will no longer be used after the 2013 season.

    6. How will I know if I should use the Formatta forms or the Vendor application to submit a quote?

      You will need to log into the application using your eAuthentication username and password and then use the appropriate wizards in the application to submit a quote for a new solicitation. For more information, go to http://www.fs.fed.us/business/incident/vendorapp.php.

    7. When will the vendor application be available for all types of solicitations?

      All types of soicitations are now using the vendor application

    8. Where can I find out more about the vendor application and how I am suppose to use it?

      The vendor app uses wizard technology to provide step-by-step instructions to assist you with adding your resources into VIPR, finding solicitations that match your resources, submitting quotes on solicitations and amendments, and updating your company and resource information. In addition, there are several resources are available to assist you with using the application, such as the online help within the application itself, as well as the VIPR Vendor Application Web page at http://www.fs.fed.us/business/incident/vendorapp.php.

    Contracting with the Forest Service on Fire / Incidentsreturn to top

    1. I am a new vendor. How can I obtain an agreement with the Forest Service?

      For instructions on how to do incident procurement business with the Forest Service, please visit the AQM Incident Procurement Web site.

    2. How do I find a Forest Service solicitation for preseason incident procurement?

      Solicitations are posted to FedBizOpps (FBO) and start with the title of "VIPR I-BPA for". You will also be able to view open solicitations for a select group of 2012 solicitations through the vendor application. Every solicitation is different, so read them carefully.

    3. How do I find out what equipment solicitations are planned for each year?

      To view the solicitations planned for each year, you can access the National Solicitation Plan for I-BPAs.

    4. How do I decide which solicitations to respond to?

      You can respond to any solicitation; however, there are a couple of caveats. First, awards are restricted to one I-BPA per piece of equipment; therefore you will not be awarded multiple awards for the same piece of equipment for the same purpose. Second, regions can only award to dispatch centers located in that region, therefore, you must respond to a solicitation that covers the geographic area of the dispatch centers where you wish to be dispatched. You must be able to respond by the date and time needed if you choose to respond to a solicitation in another geographic area.

    5. How can I sign up my equipment with the BLM?

      The BLM and the DOI are now acquiring goods and services electronically using the Internet. More information is available at the BLM Web site: http://www.blm.gov/natacq.

    Central Contractor Registration (CCR)return to top

    1. Where can I find information about CCR?

      The Central Contractor Registration (CCR) is no longer being used. You need to register in the System of Award Management (SAM).

      If you had an active record in CCR, you have an active record in SAM. You do not need to do anything in SAM at this time, unless a change in your business circumstances requires updates to your Entity record(s) in order for you to be paid or to receive an award or you need to renew your Entity(s) prior to its expiration. SAM will send notifications to the registered user via email 60, 30, and 15 days prior to expiration of the Entity. To update or renew your Entity records(s) in SAM you will need to create a SAM User Account and link it to your migrated Entity records.

    Contractor Performance Assessment Report System (CPARS)return to top

    1. What is CPARS?

      The Forest Service implemented the use of the Department of Defense (DoD) Contractor Performance Assessment Report System (CPARS) on October 1, 2010. CPARS is a fully automated system. Limited details are available at this time on the agency use of CPARS on what forms or reports may be available for the agency to record performance evaluations. Until more details are provided, the agency will continue to use the report in Exhibit E.

    Contractor Performance System (CPS)return to top

    1. The CPS system is no longer available.

      The Forest Service implemented the use of the Department of Defense (DoD) Contractor Performance Assessment Report System (CPARS) on October 1, 2010. CPARS is a fully automated system. Limited details are available at this time on the agency use of CPARS on what forms or reports may be available for the agency to record performance evaluations. Until more details are provided, the agency will continue to use the report in Exhibit E.

    DUNS Numberreturn to top

    1. Will I need to use my DUNS number with the vendor application?

      Yes. As part of the incident procurement process used within the application, you will be asked to provide your DUNS number when you register in the application. Ensure you enter the correct DUNS when you register, because the VIPR system will use your DUNS number to ensure your resource/equipment information is unique to your company.

    2. I work for more than one vendor company. How do I change my DUNS in the vendor application to ensure I am doing work for the correct company?

      The vendor application associates one eAuth account with only one DUNS number. If you work for more than one company, you will need to establish a separate level 2 eAuth account for each DUNS. For more information, visit http://www.fs.fed.us/business/incident/eauth.php.

      When you are working in the vendor application for Company A and need to switch to Company B, click on the Logout link to end your session and close the Web browser. Then, access the vendor application URL again and use your eAuthentication account for Company B to log into the application.

    3. How can I change my DUNS number?

      When you first access the vendor application, the Registration wizard asks for your DUNS. When you register you are associating your company with your company DUNS. Once you complete and exit the registration wizard, you cannot change your DUNS.

      If you incorrectly entered your DUNS, you will need to contact the Contracting Officer for your region to request a correction.

    E-mail Addressreturn to top

    1. Why do I need an e-mail address?

      You will need an e-mail address in order to use the vendor application. The VIPR system will electronically send you information regarding your vendor responses.

    2. How do I get an e-mail address?

      You can obtain an e-mail address from your Internet service provider (ISP) or you can use one of the many free services available on the Web.

    3. What happens if I submit a quote for a solicitation and my e-mail address was incorrect?

      When VIPR receives a response from a vendor, VIPR sends an e-mail message to the vendor acknowledging receipt of their submission. If you did not receive a confirmation e-mail message from VIPR when you submitted your quote, you may have supplied an incorrect e-mail address, so you will need to correct your e-mail address using the Edit Company Information wizard and then resubmit your quote.

    Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA)return to top

    The Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) is no longer being used. You need to submit your representations and certifications in the System of Award Management (SAM).

    1. Do I need to submit my annual FAR representations and certifications information when I submit a quote?

      Yes, but only if you have submitted your representations and certifications in SAM at https://www.sam.gov to electronically complete the annual representations and certifications in accordance with FAR 52.212-3. By providing your information in SAM, you will not need to submit your representations and certifications with your quote. If you have any questions regarding the representations and certifications, contact your Contracting Officer.

      If you do not use SAM, then you will need to email, fax, or mail your FAR representations and certifications information to the Contracting Officer for each solicitation that you submit a quote on.

    2. How do I attach my FAR Representations and Certifications to my quote?

      Currently, you cannot attach documents to your quote in the vendor application. If you are not using SAM, you can email, fax, or mail your reps and certs document to the Contracting Officer associated with the solicitation.

    3. If I resubmit a quote, will I need to resubmit my annual FAR representations and certifications information with that resubmittal?

      No. Once you have submitted your Reps and Certs with a quote for a solicitation, then you will not need to resubmit that information if you resubmit your quote.

    System of Award Management (SAM)return to top

    1. I have changed banks, so who do I notify to ensure that I get paid?

      If you change banks or accounts, you MUST update your information in SAM. Also, you MUST notify your Contracting Officer of any banking updates that you made to SAM, so that your CO can ensure your information is updated for payment purposes.

    USDA eAuthenticationreturn to top

    1. Do I need an eAuthentication Account?

      Yes. If you wish to obtain a Forest Service preseason incident agreement (either new or existing), you MUST HAVE a Level 2 eAuthentication account.

    2. When do I have to get my eAuthentication account set up?

      Please see the VIPR eAuthentication Web site, under "When To Obtain an eAuth Account."

    3. What type of eAuthentication account do I need?

      You must have a Level 2 eAuthentication account in order to use VIPR.

    4. How do I obtain a Level 2 account?

      The Forest Service has prepared eAuthentication instruction guides to assist you in obtaining your eAuthentication account. Please see the VIPR eAuthentication Web site for access to those guides.

    5. I work from more than one vendor company. How do I change my DUNS in the vendor application to ensure I am doing work for the correct company?

      The vendor application associates one eAuth account with only one DUNS number. If you work for more than one company, you will need to establish a separate level 2 eAuth account for each DUNS. This process has been validated by the eAuth System Helpdesk.

      When you are working in the vendor application for Company A and need to switch to Company B, click on the Logout link to end your session and close the Web browser. Then, access the vendor application URL again and use your eAuthentication account for Company B to log into the application.

    6. I have an eAuthentication account, but I do not know if it is a Level 2 account.

      If you have an existing eAuthentication account, but are unsure if it is a Level 2 account, please see "USDA eAuthentication for Vendors: Upgrading from a Level 1 to a Level 2 Account," on the VIPR eAuthentication Web site for instructions on how to determine what type of account you have.

    7. I have a Level 2 account with another USDA agency. Can I use it with the Forest Service?

      Yes. USDA Level 2 eAuthentication accounts are universal and work with all USDA agencies.

    8. What does eAuthentication actually protect?

      eAuthentication is a permissions process that allows only personnel within a company with signatory authority to submit a proposal or agree to a modification. VIPR will not accept any documents requiring vendor signature without eAuthentication.

    9. I got "stuck" during the eAuthentication process. What do I do?

      If possible, you should do a screenshot or document where you are in the process or any errors you are getting. For assistance, contact the Forest Service Incident Business Solutions / VIPR Help Desk at (866) 224-7677. Press Option 3 for VIPR / eAuth. The Helpdesk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    10. I got "locked out" of my eAuthentication account. What do I do?

      You will need to have your password reset. To reset your password, contact the Forest Service Incident Business Solutions / VIPR Help Desk at (866) 224-7677. Press Option 3 for VIPR / eAuth. The Helpdesk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    11. How long will my eAuthentication account be active?

      Once you obtain an eAuthentication account, you will need to use your eAuth account at least once every 90 days to keep your account from being deactiviated. Even if you do not have any work to do in the vendor application, just access the vendor application and log into the vendor application using your eAuth username and password, which will keep your eAuth account active.

    Getting Started with the VIPR Vendor Applicationreturn to top

    1. Will I need to use the vendor application?

      You will use the vendor application when responding to any I-BPA solicitation.

      In order to do business with the government, you MUST meet all of the requirements listed on the AQM Incident Procurement Web site.

    2. When will I need to use the vendor application?

      Vendors with the following equipment will need to start using the vendor application during the appropriate I-BPA solicitation year:

      Solication Year 2013

      • Heavy Equipment with Water
        • Pumper Cat
        • Skidgine
        • Softtrack
      • Refrigerated Trailer
      • Water Handling
        • Engines
        • Water Tender (Support)
        • Water Tender (Tactical)
      • Weed Washing Units

      Solicitation Year 2012

      • Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Apparatus
      • All Terrain Vehicle
      • Chainsaw Repair Service
      • Chipper
      • Coach Bus
      • Copier
      • Generic*
      • Miscellaneous Heavy Equipment
        • Feller Buncher
        • Masticator (Boom Mounted)
        • Masticator (Track Mounted)
        • Road Grader
        • Skidder
      • Mobile Laundry Unit
      • Mobile Sleeper Unit
      • Portable Toilet
      • Potable & Gray Water Trucks/Handwashing Station (Trailer Mounted)
        • Handwashing Station (Trailer Mounted)
        • Gray Water Truck
        • Potable Water Truck
      • Rental Vehicle
        • Rental Passenger Vehicle
        • Rental Truck

      *Generic resources are used for various local equipment and services not listed on the National Solicitation Plan for I-BPAs, but may be identified on the Method of Hire (MOH) chart located in the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook (IIBMH).

      Solicitation Year 2011

      • Clerical Support Unit
      • Communications Trailer
      • Crew Carrier Bus
      • Faller
        • Faller Module
        • Single Faller
      • Fuel Tenders
      • GIS Unit
      • Heavy Equipment
        • Dozer
        • Excavator
        • Tractor Plow
        • Transport
      • Helicopter Operations Support Trailer
      • Mechanic with Service Truck
      • Tent
        • Tent
        • Tent - Canopy
      • Vehicle with Driver

      For a complete list of the equipment that supports I-BPAs, view the National Solicitation Plan for I-BPAs.

    3. Where can I find out more about the vendor application and how I am suppose to use it?

      The vendor application uses wizard technology to provide step-by-step instructions to assist you with adding your resources into VIPR, finding solicitations that match your resources, submitting quotes on solicitations and amendments, and updating your company and resource information. In addition, there are several resources are available to assist you with using the application, such as the online help within the application itself, as well as the VIPR Vendor Application Web page at http://www.fs.fed.us/business/incident/vendorapp.php.

    4. Will I ever actually log into the vendor application?

      Yes. The vendor application is a Web-based application that you will log into using your eAuthentication username and password. For more information, go to http://www.fs.fed.us/business/incident/vendorapp.php.

    5. How will I know if I should use the Formatta forms or the vendor application to submit a quote?

      New solicitations are no longer using the Formatta solution. If you are a vendor who is responding to a 2012 or 2013 solicitation, then you must use the vendor application to respond to the solicitation. You will need to log into the vendor application using your eAuthentication username and password and then use the wizards in the application to register in the vendor application and set up your company information and resources in the vendor application. For more information, go to http://www.fs.fed.us/business/incident/vendorapp.php.

    6. If I have used VIPR and the Formatta Forms in the past, do I still need to register in the application?

      Yes. All vendors who use the vendor application will need to register in the application. You will only need to register once, and if you have not already gone through the registration process, VIPR will automatically trigger the Registration wizard for you.

    7. I registered in the vendor application, but why don't I see all of my resources that I used with the Formatta solution?

      At this time, only 2009 resources were converted into the vendor application. With the 2013 solicitations, there have been some changes on the resource attributes required for the resources, so you will need to manually re-enter your resources into the vendor application to ensure you complete all of the resource form fields required for your resources.

      You will see resources in the vendor application, if…

      • You entered new resources into the application.
      • You have an agreement that was converted from Formatta into the vendor application (i.e. Clerical Support Units, Crew Carrier Bus, Fallers, GIS Units, Heavy Equipment, and Tents).
    8. When will the vendor application be available for all types of solicitations?

      The implementation of all solicitations into the vendor application will occur in phases. Resources scheduled for solicitation or re-solicitation in 2011 and beyond will be developed for use with the vendor application in VIPR. All other remaining resources will be converted in 2013, so that Formatta will no longer be used after the 2013 season.

    9. Can I use a Mac computer with the vendor application?

      Yes. The vendor application is a Web-based application that works with Safari, which is a Mac-compatible Web browser.

    10. I work for more than one vendor company. How do I change my DUNS in the vendor application to ensure I am doing work for the correct company?

      The vendor application associates one eAuth account with only one DUNS number. If you work for more than one company, you will need to establish a separate level 2 eAuth account for each DUNS. For more information, visit http://www.fs.fed.us/business/incident/eauth.php.

      When you are working in the vendor application for Company A and need to switch to Company B, click on the Logout link to end your session and close the Web browser. Then, access the vendor application URL again and use your eAuthentication account for Company B to log into the application.

    Adobe Readerreturn to top

    1. I understand that to view the PDF files generated in the application, I need the Adobe Reader® software. How much does it cost and how can I get it?

      Adobe Reader is free. You can download the software at http://get.adobe.com/reader.

    Trainingreturn to top

    1. Is training available for vendors using the vendor application?

      The application uses wizards to help walk vendors through the steps for using the different features of the application. In addition, there is online help available within the application.

      If you need assistance with basic computer questions, check into these resources:

    Solicitations for Resourcesreturn to top

    1. How are national equipment specifications developed?

      Draft specifications are developed by technical specialists nationwide, and distributed to incident support personnel for review and comment. In addition, the solicitations are posted to FedBizOpps (FBO) for vendor review and comment. Specifications are then approved by Washington Office Fire and Aviation Management (FAM) and Acquisition Management (AQM).

    2. Will vendor employee training and qualification information be captured in VIPR?

      No. The Government is not responsible for certifying or maintaining qualification records for contractors or contractor employee(s).

    3. What happens if I submit a quote for a solicitation and my e-mail address was incorrect?

      When VIPR receives a response from a vendor, VIPR sends an e-mail message to the vendor acknowledging receipt of their submission. If you did not receive a confirmation e-mail message from VIPR when you submitted your response, you may have supplied an incorrect e-mail address, so you will need to correct your e-mail address through the Edit Company Information wizard.

    4. How do I determine which dispatch center to use?

      You must choose a dispatch office within the region that the solicitation was issued. To help you select an appropriate dispatch center, the lists of dispatch centers available in the Quote a Solicitation wizard are now specific only to the Region where the solicitation was issued. Instructions for selecting a dispatch center can be found at http://www.fs.fed.us/business/incident/vendorsupport.php.

    5. Can I submit an offer where I have multiple resources assigned to different dispatch centers?

      Yes; however, you will only be able to select from a list of dispatch centers that are specific to the solicitation. To do this, you would select a different dispatch center for each resource that you include in your quote. DO NOT submit separate quotes to the solicitation for each of the dispatch centers, as your latest quote will override any previous quotes.

    6. My resource has a VIN, but what do I enter in the Equipment ID field?

      If are unsure what to enter in the Equipment ID field, you can enter any one of the following:

      • Your call sign
      • License plate number
      • Last 5 to 10 digits of the VIN
      • Short ID that is meaningful to you

      If you use letters in your data entry, use capital letters.

    7. Why did the VIN/Unique ID label on my resource forms change?

      For all 2011 and 2012 resources, the VIN/Unique ID label for the resource information changed to be VIN, Unique ID, or Serial Number. This label change will more accurately reflect the type of identification information that should be captured by the vendor for their resources.

    8. In the past, I was able to enter whatever I needed for the VIN/Unique ID field, but now the label is VIN only and I can’t enter more than 17 characters. Why did this change?

      For resources that should have a VIN, to ensure VINs are entered correctly and are valid VINs, VIPR will validate VINs for newly created vendor resources. A valid VIN must meet the standardized VIN format based on the following National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) guidelines:

      • Each VIN consists of seventeen characters.
      • Each character in each VIN shall be one of the letters in the set: [ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ] or a numeral in the set: [0123456789]. NOTE: Three letters are not allowed: I, O, and Q
      • All seventeen places provided for in the VIN must be occupied by a character, i.e. no spaces or special characters
    9. How do I change the VIN/Unique ID/Serial Number for a resource that is on a quote?

      Once a resource is submitted on a quote, you cannot change the VIN/Unique ID/Serial Number for that resource; however, you can create a new resource with the correct VIN/Unique ID/Serial Number and resubmit your quote using the new resource with the correct VIN/Unique ID/Serial Number. For instructions, see the Online Help in the vendor application.

    10. How will I know if I should use the Formatta forms or the vendor application to submit a quote?

      New solicitations are no longer using the Formatta solution. If you are a vendor who is responding to a 2012 or 2013 solicitation, then you must use the vendor application to respond to the solicitation. You will need to log into the vendor application using your eAuthentication username and password and then use the wizards in the application to register in the vendor application and set up your company information and resources in the vendor application. For more information, go to http://www.fs.fed.us/business/incident/vendorapp.php.

    11. With Formatta if my resource could be used as more than one type, I completed separate forms for each type (i.e. a form for Mobile Laundry Type 1 and a form for Mobile Laundry Type 2). In the vendor application, how do I complete information about my resource so that it can be used for multiple types?

      In the vendor application, in the Manage Your Resources wizard, enter your resource information once with its attributes exactly as they are for that resource. VIPR will use the attributes you entered to determine the Resource Category type(s) that your resource qualifies for based on the national solicitation specifications. What your resource qualifies for is listed in the Finished step of the wizard, as well as in the Resource Information.PDF and the Resource Details icon, which are both accessible from the My Resources table.

      When you are submitting a quote, if your resource qualifies for more than one type, you will be asked to provide a rate and select the Dispatch Center for each type that you are offering under that solicitation.

      IMPORTANT: Entering resources in the vendor application is different from the Formatta process in that in the vendor application:

      • You only complete ONE resource form for your resource even if it qualifies for more than one type within the same resource group. You should NOT complete a new form and/or use a different VIN/Unique ID for the same resource to make it qualify for more than one type within the same resource group.
      • Once you complete the Manage Your Resources wizard, your resource will appear in a single row in the My Resources table. If your resource qualifies as more than one type within a Resource Group, your resource will be listed in the table under that Resource Group and will not broken out into multiple rows for each type.
      • You no longer provide the rates and Dispatch Center information on the resource form. When you submit a quote for a solicitation, you will enter rates and select the Dispatch Center for each type that your resource qualifies for within the resource group for the solicitation and that you are offering under that solicitation.
      • From the My Resources table under the Action column, click on any of the icons to view details about your resource:
        • View the Resource Information (PDF icon)
        • View Resource Details (the information or "i" icon)
        • Edit this Resource (edit icon)
    12. I have used VIPR in the past, so why isn't my company or resource information already in the vendor application?

      If you are an existing VIPR user, then once you have registered into the vendor application, you will see most, if not all, of your company information in the My Company tab in the application. However, for resources, only those that were awarded on 2009 solicitations have been migrated into the vendor application. All other new vendor application resources need to be entered into the application by the vendor. This is due to the fact that many of the resource forms in the vendor application have changed since they were first introduced using the Formatta solution. Also, specifications for those resources may have changed as well, which will require vendors to enter new information into the resource forms within the vendor application.

    13. In FBO, the solicitation has a link to a PDF file. I can't submit a response to a PDF file, so how do I respond to the solicitation?

      For solicitations that use the vendor application, FBO displays the solicitation information in a PDF format for you to view. However, to respond to the solicitation, you must use the vendor application. In the vendor application, click on the Open Solicitations link (or the Find Solicitations link), find the solicitation in the table, and then click on the start the quote icon to submit a quote for that open solicitation.

    14. What exactly should I enter in the Company Name field in the Edit Company Information wizard?

      Your company name in VIPR must match what is in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR), which in turn should match your legal business name as registered with the IRS.

    15. I submitted a quote, but in the My Quotes table, I see a "New Submission in Progress" under my original quote. What does that mean?

      After you submit a quote, if you click on the Resubmit icon (in the Action column), you will begin the editing process for that quote. Until you complete the quote process and sign and submit the quote in work, it will be labeled as "New Submission in Progress." You can delete a "New Submission in Progress" at any time until you actually submit the quote.

    16. How do I delete or withdraw a quote that I submitted?

      You can withdraw a quote anytime UNTIL the quote is awarded. Once you withdraw your quote, if you change your mind, you will be able to resubmit your withdrawn quote UNTIL the solicitation closes. However, once the solicitation closes, you will need to contact the Contracting Officer who will determine if it's appropriate to put you into negotiations, which will allow you to resubmit your withdraw quote.

      Note that once a solicitation is fully awarded, your withdrawn quote option is no longer displayed in the My Quotes table.

    17. If I delete a "New Submission in Progress" quote, how will VIPR know what quote to use?

      VIPR will always use the latest completed and signed/submitted quote as the quote on record. So, if you delete a quote in progress, VIPR will revert back to the latest quote that you did complete and submit.

    18. The solicitation has closed, but I need to resubmit my quote. What do I do?

      You must contact the Contracting Officer who will determine if it's appropriate to put you into negotiations, which will allow you to resubmit your quote.

    19. I submitted a quote and then edited my resource information. Will my updates automatically be included in my quote?

      No. If you make updates to your resource AFTER you have submitted a quote, you will need to resubmit any quotes that you wish to include those updates.

    20. I submitted a quote and then edited my company information. Will my updates be included in my quote?

      Yes, but you will need to click on the View this Quote PDF to re-generate the PDF in order to see your updates in your quote.

    21. I do not see the rates fields when I enter my resource information. Where do I add the rates?

      You can associate the rates with the solicitation and not with the resource. So, when you submit a quote, you will be asked to set the rates for each resource that you wish to include in your quote.

    22. I do not see a dispatch center list when I edit my resource information. Where do I add the dispatch center?

      The dispatch center is associated with the solicitation, not the resource. So, when you submit a quote, you will be asked to set the rates and the dispatch center for each resource that you wish to include in your quote.

    23. I need to delete a resource, but do not see the Delete icon in the My Resources table. How do I delete a resource?

      If your resource is used in a quote or agreement, you will be unable to delete the resource and will not see the Delete button in the Action column for that resource.

    24. From the Open Solicitations page, I started working on a quote, but I ended the quote before I submitted it. When I went back into the Open Solicitations page to continue working on the quote, I did not see my quote. Where is my quote?

      Although the trigger to start the quote process is on the Open Solicitations page, once you start a quote, your quote will be available from the My Quotes page.

    25. When I submitted my quote, I selected the wrong resource category type and now the solicitation has closed. How do I replace the wrong resource category type with the correct resource category type in my quote?

      Ask your CO to put you into "negotiations," which will allow you to submit a new quote using the correct resource category type. IMPORTANT: You will need to include any other resources that you wish to include in your quote. The latest quote you submit will override any previous quotes you submitted and will be treated as the quote on record in the VIPR system.

    26. When submitting a quote for a solicitation or amendment, do I have to include all of the resources that I want to be considered with my quote?

      Yes. The latest quote you submit will override any previous quotes you submitted and will be treated as the quote on record in the VIPR system.

    27. How do I attach my FAR Representations and Certifications to my quote?

      Currently, you cannot attach documents to your quote in the vendor application. If you are not using ORCA, you can email, fax, or mail your reps and certs document to the Contracting Officer associated with the solicitation.

    28. I want to use the same resource for a 2013 solicitation that I used for a 2010 solicitation. Can I use the same resource information?

      No. You will need to manually enter your resources into the vendor application. Many of the resource fields in the vendor application have changed since they were first introduced using the Formatta solution. Also, specifications for those resources may have changed as well, which will require you to enter new information into the resource wizard within the vendor application.

    29. What does the "UNQUALIFIED" status in the My Resources table mean?

      If you add a new resource or edit an existing resource and the attributes you use do not meet the business requirements for a specific resource category, then your resource will be considered "UNQUALIFIED."

      All unqualified resources will be listed at the top of the My Resources table and will have an "UNQUALIFIED" label. From the My Resources table, you can use the Edit this resource wizard to edit the resource attributes to qualify the resource.

    30. How do I find the status of my resource?

      From My Resources table, click on the information ("i") icon for that specific resource to view the Resource Details and Resource Qualifications and Status information for that resource.

      NOTE: The Resource Details displays the resource attributes that you entered in the Manage Your Resources wizard. The Resource Qualifications displays the resource category type that your resource qualifies for based on the attributes that you selected when you added the resource into the vendor application. The Resource Status information displays the current status of the resource and in some cases it will display the Dispatch Center, as well. Definitions of the different resource statuses are provided, as well.

    31. I withdrew my quote and I want to resubmit it, but the solicitation has closed. Can I still resubmit my withdrawn quote?

      If you wish to resubmit your withdrawn quote AFTER a solicitation has closed, you must contact the Contracting Officer who will determine if it is appropriate to put you into negotiations. Once you are "In Negotiations," then you will be able to resubmit your quote.

    32. I submitted a quote to a solicitation with a resource that I now want to withdraw. How do I withdraw a resource from my quote?

      If you wish to withdraw a resource from your quote on a solicitation or an amended solicitation, you will need to resubmit a new quote without that specific resource selected in your quote, and include all other resources that you wish to include in your quote. When you submit a new quote, your latest quote will overwrite your previous quote, so if that resource is no longer selected in the quote, it is "withdrawn" from your offer.

    33. I submitted a response to a quote with a resource that I now want to replace. How do I replace a resource in my quote?

      If you wish to replace one resource (Resource A) with another resource (Resource B) in your quote on a solicitation or an amended solicitation, you will need to resubmit a new quote without selecting Resource A, and select Resource B. Include any other resources that you wish to include in your quote. When you submit a new quote, your latest quote will overwrite your previous quote, so only Resource B (along with your other resources, excluding Resource A) should be in your quote.

    34. If specific equipment will be hosted by a GACC, how will I know which GACC to choose as my host dispatch center?

      The GACC will be identified in the solicitation. Per the solicitation, you will select the appropriate GACC from the dispatch list.

    Generic Resources return to top

    1. How do I know which solicitations are “generic”?

      In the vendor application, access the Open Solicitations tab and scroll through the list of open solicitations. In the list of open solicitations, the title of the solicitation should indicate what type of resource is being solicited. Generic solicitations will be used to solicit for resources that are not used for standard resource categories. For example, a generic solicitation will NOT be used for a Fuel Tender, but would be used for a Boat.

      For more information about generic solicitations and generic resources, view the online help within the vendor application.

    2. How do I create a generic resource?

      The process for adding a generic resource is the same process for adding a standard resource.

      1. In the vendor application, access the My Resources tab and click on the Add New Resource button.
      2. In the Classify Resource step of the wizard, select “Generic” from the drop-down list, and click the Continue button. IMPORTANT: DO NOT use "Generic" if your resource falls into one of the other resource groups that is listed. Also, DO NOT use "Generic" for Heavy Equipment with Water (Engine and Water Tender), Refrigerated Trailer, Water Handling (Skidgine, Pumper Cat, and Softtrack), or Weed Washing Unit. You will continue to use Formatta for these specific resources. These resources will be resolicited and implemented into the vendor application in October 2012.
      3. In the Enter Resource Info step, complete the required fields. IMPORTANT: To help you keep track of what your generic resources are, you may want to include the type of resource in the Equipment ID field (10 character limit) or VIN/Unique ID field (40 character limit). For example: FORKLIFT1, TABLE1, LIGHTING1, BACKHOE1, etc. Otherwise, once you complete the wizard, in the My Resources table, under the Resource Group column, you will see "Generic," which does not tell you what type of generic resource you have. Also, review D2 in the solicitation to understand the equipment requirements needed for the generic solicitation. The requirements will help you determine the information you need to enter into the Description field.
      4. Complete the wizard. Your generic resource will qualify for all generic solicitations.

      For more information about generic resources and generic solicitations, view the online help within the vendor application.

    3. When submitting a quote for a generic solicitation, what are the Optional Rates for?

      For information about the Optional Rate fields for a generic solicitation, refer to D2 in that specific generic solicitation PDF.

    4. Will I be able to use my one generic resource for multiple generic solicitations?

      You can submit your generic resource on as many generic solicitations as you wish, but note the following: (1) A generic resource can only be awarded on one generic solicitation at a time, and (2) your generic resource must meet the equipment requirements for the various generic solicitations, in order for the Contracting Officers to even consider your generic resource for an award on their generic solicitations.

    5. I submitted a quote for a generic solicitation. In the Resource Information details, my resource qualification changed from “Generic Resource” to “Forklift01 for Pike NF.” Why did it change to that?

      When you first add a generic resource into the vendor application, the Resource Qualification will be "Generic Resource." However, once you submit a quote using that generic resource, the Resource Qualification will change to whatever the resource category is for the solicitation. In this case, a Contraction Officer posted a generic solicitation for "Forklift01 for Pike NF," and you submitted a quote to that solicitation using your generic resource. Once you completed your quote, the Resource Qualification changed to"Forklift01 for Pike NF"---matching the resource category for the solicitation.

    Amendmentsreturn to top

    1. Will VIPR automatically add each amendment to the solicitation package?

      Yes. VIPR will add each amendment to the solicitation and also include all previous amendments. You should carefully review each of the amendments.

    2. Do I have to acknowledge all amendments to a solicitation?

      No. If you have already responded to a solicitation, then your original quote will be evaluated. However, once a solicitation has closed and during the evaluation process, the CO may request that you resubmit your quote to the amended solicitation.

    3. How will I know if the solicitation I responded to has been amended?

      If you have submitted a quote to a solicitation and that solicitation has been amended, you will receive an e-mail from VIPR informing you that the solicitation has been amended. Also, on the Home page of the vendor application, you will see an Alert message notifying you that the solicitation has been amended.

    4. What do I need to submit for an amended solicitation?

      You will need to resubmit the quote and ensure you have selected all of the resources that you wish to be included in the resubmitted quote. Remember, the latest quote you submit will override any previous quotes you submitted and will be treated as the quote on record in the VIPR system.

    Inspectionsreturn to top

    1. How do I open the inspection forms that are in the .zip file?

      You will need the WinZip software to open the .zip file. If you do not have WinZip, you can download the free software, which is available at http://www.winzip.com/downwz.htm. Once you have WinZip, double-click on the InspectionForms.zip file to either save or open the file. Once you open the zip file, double-click on an inspection PDF file to open the inspection form.

    2. Do I have to use the inspection forms that I received in the VIPR e-mail message when I submitted a response?

      No, you are not required to use the VIPR inspection forms. However, any alternate inspection form used must contain the same information as that found on the form in Exhibit M, or the alternate inspection form will be rejected.

    3. Should I have inspection forms for all of my resources?

      If you have resources that require inspections, your e-mail confirmation will include a zip file with inspection forms for those resources only.

    4. One of my resources failed an inspection. Once I fix the problem identified, how do I submit the update to VIPR?

      It depends on what you fixed and how the inspector wishes to handle the change. Depending on the direction you receive from the inspector (and/or CO), there are two possible options:

      • If you need to modify the resource attributes, then the CO will issue an Inspection Correction modification. You can update the attributes for your resource and then once you receive the modification notice, submit your modification response through the vendor application. (Note that in your modification response, only the resources with a failed inspection status are included for the modification response.) If the inspector determines the changes are acceptable to move the inspection status from Fail to Pass, the CO creates a new inspection record for that resource, assigning it a Pass status. IMPORTANT With an Inspection Correction modification, if you change your resource attributes, the CBA points associated with those attribute changes are used to recalculate the CBA score, which could affect your ranking on the DPL. The CO will then re-generate the DPL, which will add the resource back onto the DPL.
      • If the fix to the resource does not affect your resource attributes, then the CO will not need to issue an Inspection Correction modification. You will need to work with the inspector to determine if the changes you have made are acceptable to move the resource from Fail to Pass. Once the CO and inspector are ready to move the inspection status from Fail to Pass, the CO creates a new inspection record for that resource, assigning it a Pass status. The CO will then re-generate the DPL, which will add the resource back onto the DPL.
    5. Can I change my prices on a resource that had a failed inspection?

      No. When updating a resource with an Inspection Correction modification, you CANNOT change Prices (Rates) for your equipment.

    6. In the Inspection Correction modification, should all of my resources appear in the modification response wizard?

      Only the resources with a Fail inspection status are included in the modification response. When you respond to the modification, you will only need to address the failed resource; you will not need to do anything with your other resources. Those resources will still be included in the modified agreement package.

    7. Do I need to attach my inspection forms to my quote?

      No. The inspection forms are for you to use at your scheduled inspection (conducted in-person by an FS-approved inspector); therefore, you do NOT attach your inspection forms to any quotes you submit through the vendor application. The inspector will submit the completed inspection form to the appropriate CO.

    Agreements for Resourcesreturn to top

    1. Do all Forest Service partner agencies' agreements have to be in VIPR?

      No. Preseason I-BPAs are only required to be done in VIPR when the Forest Service is the contracting agency.

    2. Can equipment procured by the Department of Interior agencies or State agencies be used on Forest Service incidents?

      The Forest Service may use agreements awarded by other agencies in accordance with established interagency procedures. However, Forest Service I-BPA policy must be followed regarding these situations. Specifically:

      If the Forest Service is the contracting agencyIf Forest Service partners with another agency, and the partner agency is the contracting agency:
      For Competitive Agreements
      Competition is required Competition is required
      National template must be used Use of template is optional, although strongly encouraged
      VIPR must be used DOI has decided not to use VIPR at this time

      *Templates and use of VIPR are being phased-in.

    3. Are all agreements for incident support contained in VIPR?

      Forest Service preseason I-BPAs will be issued through VIPR. EERAs issued at an incident will not be included in VIPR.

    4. Can DOI agencies such as the BLM, NPS, FWS, and BIA use VIPR-generated agreements?


    5. If I have one resource that meets specifications for two separate resource categories/types (e.g., Mechanic with Service Truck Type 1 and Mechanic with Service Truck Type 2), can I receive an award for each resource categories/type?

      Yes, a single resource can be awarded as multiple resource categories/types.

    6. What happens if my business set-aside status (HUBZone, size, etc) changes after I have been awarded an agreement?

      You will be able to change your set-aside status during the annual rollover process, but you will need to contact the Contracting Officer to request the change.

    7. My company is Small Business. What happened to the Small Business check box that I had selected on the My Company page?

      Solicitations can be Set Aside or Unrestricted. In order to allow vendors to submit quotes for either type of solicitation without having to switch their Small Business status back and forth, VIPR is no longer capturing the "Small Business" status. However, it is still important for vendors to indicate if their company has a business status (i.e. HubZone, SDVSOB, etc.), which could affect their ranking on the DPL for any solicitations that are set aside. Priority ranking for dispatch will be determined by the method described in D.6.2. For unrestricted solicitations, no advantage will be given for business size or business status (i.e. set aside status).

    8. What happens if my Labor Surplus Area (LSA) status changes after I have been awarded an agreement?

      You will be able to change your LSA status during the annual rollover process, but you will need to contact the Contracting Officer to request the change.

    9. I have updated my resource that is on an agreement and now it is "disqualified" from the agreement. What exactly does that mean?

      When a resource is awarded on an agreement, it is awarded as a specific type, e.g., Fuel Tender Type 1. After an award, if you change the attributes for the resource in such a way that it is categorized as a different resource type, e.g., Fuel Tender Type 2, then the resource that is on the agreement will not match what is in the vendor application for that resource. If the resource is disqualified from the agreement, contact your Contracting Officer to discuss the disqualification.

    10. After I have been awarded an agreement, where can I find the Equipment IDs for my resource categories?

      Previously, agreement packages did NOT include the vendor-assigned Equipment IDs. However, this has been corrected and for agreements starting with 2011 solicitations, Equipment IDs are now available in the Schedule of Items of the agreement packages.

    11. What should I print in order to provide a "complete agreement" to the incident?

      You must carry a minimum of two copies of the complete agreement to the incident and furnish a copy of the agreement to the finance unit upon request. The agreement is in one PDF file and consists of the 1) SF-1449; (2) Schedule of Items with details about the resource; (3) Company Information; (4) SF-30 for Amendments and Modifications, if applicable; (5) Table of Contents; and (6) Contract Requirements and Exhibits.

      NOTE: You will need the free Adobe Reader® software to view the PDF package. To download the Adobe Reader software, visit http://get.adobe.com/reader/.

    12. Will I receive an official signed copy of the award or just the copy with the electronic signature from VIPR?

      The copy with the electronic signature that you receive from VIPR is the official copy, as well as the signed agreement package that is available through the My Agreements tab in the vendor application.

    13. I received an e-mail stating that my agreement has expired. Is there anything I need to do?

      You should carefully review the modification package. Note that the header in the PDF package displays Agreement Expiration. No further action is required by you. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the modification, contact the Contracting Officer for the agreement. VIPR will remove all of the resources associated with the expired agreement from all DPLs. One year from the expiration date, VIPR will remove the expired agreement from the VIPR Web site.

    14. How long are expired and canceled agreements posted to the VIPR Agreements Web site?

      VIPR will remove expired agreements and canceled agreements from the VIPR Agreements Web site one year from the expiration date or cancellation date, respectively.

    I-BPAs / EERAsreturn to top

    1. What is an I-BPA?

      Incident Blanket Purchase Agreements (I-BPAs) are preseason agreements for incident support. I-BPAs replace Emergency Equipment Rental Agreements (EERAs) for preseason sign up of equipment for use on incidents. EERAs will still be used for equipment signed up at the incident.

    2. Have all Forest Service I-BPAs been incorporated into VIPR?

      Yes. It was mandatory to put Forest Service I-BPAs in VIPR as identified on the National Solicitation Plan for I-BPAs.

    3. Why are all of these changes to I-BPAs necessary?

      The Office of the Inspector General reviewed the procedures used to secure incident (fire) resources using preseason and at-incident agreements. Direction from that audit OIG Audit Report No. 08601-40-SF, July 2005 included:

      • Doing preseason agreements on a competitive basis
      • Using best value
      • Establishing a suitable acquisition cycle (now 3 years)
      • Developing consistent equipment standards, inspection process, and performance rating system
      • Storing data to sort and produce reports

      These changes comply with Federal Acquisition Regulations, let the market determine the price for equipment, balance workload of acquisition and fire personnel, and more effectively use taxpayer funds.

    4. Will I-BPAs be used for FEMA incidents?

      Yes. I-BPAs can be used for all incidents, including those under FEMA jurisdiction.

    5. How are preseason Incident Blanket Purchase Agreements (I-BPAs) different than Emergency Equipment Rental Agreements (EERAs)?

      I-BPAs are preseason agreements. I-BPAs are awarded using the SF 1449, an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) http://www.omb.gov form, and must comply with the commercial item procedures of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). EERAs are awarded on the OF-294 form, are not competitive, and are issued at an incident in response to the emergency activity when I-BPAs have been exhausted.

    6. When issuing at-incident EERAs, do local units need to use the national standard specification templates?

      When it is necessary for the CO to negotiate an at-incident EERA and if there is a national solicitation template, the CO shall use the national standards specified in the template as a guide. Resource availability, condition of the equipment, and any exceptions to the national standard shall be considered during the negotiation. Refer to Chapter 20 of the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook for more information on EERAs.

    Training Qualificationsreturn to top

    1. I have an award; however, my training qualifications are incomplete. Can I provide the additional training qualification documentation that is required after an award has been made?

      Yes. The CO can issue a Suspend or Terminate modification to the agreement, which will temporarily suspend or terminate the resource and allow you to provide the appropriate training qualification documentation to the CO. You can fax or e-mail the documentation to the CO. Once you provide the appropriate training qualification documentation, the CO may issue another modification to resume or reinstate the resource.

    Modifications to Agreementsreturn to top

    1. How will I know if an agreement I responded to has been modified?

      You will receive an e-mail from VIPR informing you that the agreement has been modified. Also, on the Home page of the vendor application, you will see an Alert message notifying you that the agreement has been modified.

    2. Can I add new resources to an agreement?

      You may not add new resources to the agreement with the exception of substituting ("replacing") resources as provided by the solicitation. When you replace a resource through a modification, the replacement resource shall be equal or better equipment with no change in the agreement rate, unless using a rollover modification. The replacement resource will retain the same position on the DPL as the one removed from service unless using a rollover modification or an inspection correction modification.

    3. Can I change my price on an agreement?

      You will be provided an opportunity to adjust your pricing annually through a rollover modification to the agreement.

    4. Through a novation modification, I have acquired another company's agreement. Whose Business status and Labor Surplus Area status are associated with the agreement, mine or the original vendor's?

      Once a novation modification is signed by the Contracting Officer, the agreement will use the purchasing vendor's Business Status and Labor Surplus Area status. This means that the Dispatch Priority List will use the purchasing vendor's status to determine the ranking.

    5. What is the difference between a standard and/or extend modification and a rollover modification?

      A standard and/or extend modification allows the CO or the vendor to update general information on an agreement and allows the CO to extend the agreement end date for an agreement. The vendor ranking on the DPL is not affected by any of the changes made with a standard and/or extend modification.

      A rollover modification implements revisions based on the annual review, including any changes that can be made on a standard modification. With a rollover modification, vendors can submit a new price, select a different Dispatch Center, submit resource attribute changes, an/or change their company Set Aside and LSA statuses, all of which could affect their ranking on the DPL.

    6. How can I change my DUNS number?

      When you first access the vendor application, the Registration wizard asks for your DUNS. When you register you are associating your company with your company DUNS. Once you exit the registration wizard, you cannot change your DUNS.

      If you incorrectly entered your DUNS, you will need to contact the Contracting Officer to request a correction.

    7. I have an agreement, but need to update my company information. Can I get those changes applied to my existing agreement through a modification?

      Yes. Company changes you make will be picked up when you submit a response to a modification. Note that, changes to LSA or Business status will only be picked up through a vendor response to a Rollover modification.

      NOTE: Any new quotes submitted for other solicitations after you have changed your company information will use ALL of your new information, including any changes to LSA and Business statuses.

    8. When responding to a modification, why do I see Replace Resource and Withdraw Resource as the only options to select?

      If you have changed a resource's attributes, so that it no longer qualifies on the agreement, and you respond to a modification without re-qualifying your resource, then you will only be able to either replace the resource or withdraw the resource.

    9. After receiving an award, I changed my company information, but I didn’t see my changes in a Suspended Resource modification that was issued by the CO. Where are my company changes?

      With the VIPR 5.0 release, changes that a vendor makes to their company information after receiving an award will only be picked up with a modification that requires a vendor response (i.e. Standard/Extend modification, Rollover modification, or Inspection Correction modification). Remember that any changes made to your LSA or Business Status will only be picked up with a Rollover modification.

    10. I have an existing agreement, but need to change the name of the mechanic on my Mechanic with Service Truck resource? How do I do that?

      You will need to treat the mechanic name change as a "replacement" resource:

      • Let your CO know that you need to make this change and the CO will issue a modification to your agreement.
      • Before you respond to the modification, use the Add New Resource wizard to create a new resource that you will use as the replacement.
      • Use the Agreement Modification Response wizard to respond to the modification: use the "Replace" functionality and select the new VIN for the replacement resource.
      • Complete the wizard to sign and submit your response to the modification.

      Your agreement will now include the replacement resource with the new mechanic's name. For more details about how to replace a resource, view the Online Help in the vendor application.

    11. As the vendor, can I change the dispatch center on an agreement?

      You will be provided an opportunity to change your dispatch center through annual rollover modification.

    12. How do I change a VIN/Unique ID/Serial Number for a resource that is on an agreement?

      You cannot change a VIN/Unique ID/Serial Number for a resource on an agreement; however, through a modification, you can replace the resource with the incorrect VIN/Unique ID/Serial Number with a new resource with the correct VIN/Unique ID/Serial Number. The replacement resource must be the same resource type as the resource being replaced. For instructions, see the Online Help in the vendor application.

    Converted Agreements and Resources return to top

    1. Through the Formatta solution, I was awarded an agreement for my resource as both a Faller Module and a Single Faller. After the agreement was converted into the vendor application, the VIN number used for my resource is not quite the same as what was on the original agreement. Why?

      If a vendor used the same VIN for a Single Faller resource and a Faller Module resource and both types were awarded an agreement, then during the conversion, VIPR added an "SF" to the VIN for the Single Faller and an "FM" to the VIN for the Faller Module. In the vendor application, a resource cannot qualify as both a Single Faller and a Faller Module, therefore, VIPR added the prefix to the VIN to distinguish between the two "different" resources. Both of the new VINs appear in the vendor application as separate resources, but both are still on the agreement.

    2. I have a GIS unit resource that was awarded as a Type 1 and Type 2. After the conversion, in the vendor application, my resource is now qualified for Type 3, as well. Why?

      As part of the conversion for GIS Unit resources, several new fields were added to the resource forms in the vendor application. The values in the new fields are used to determine what types a GIS Unit resource qualifies as.

      In order to apply qualifiers to the converted GIS Unit resources, but ensure that the correct types are on the modified converted agreements, VIPR entered values in the fields that allow the resource to qualify for ALL three GIS Unit types (Type 1, Type, and Type 3)--whether or not they originally had a Formatta GIS resource for all three types. However, if the resource was awarded for one or two types, those specific types will still be considered as "awarded" and will be on the modified converted agreement and the other types will be "available" to submit on a new quote.

      Vendors should edit the resource attributes to ensure the information that was converted is correct.

    3. Why are some of the attributes for my resources different after the conversion?

      During the conversion, all of the agreement information is preserved with the following two exceptions:

      • For resource attributes that originally used a numeric range on a Formatta form, VIPR assigned values to fields in the vendor application resource forms that were either not included on the Formatta forms or the fields were included, but had a numeric range (i.e. 100-132 HP for tractor plow) that VIPR assigned with the lowest value in that range for the field (i.e. VIPR is using 100 HP for that value). The reason for the assigned value by VIPR is to ensure your resource qualifies for all of the resource category types that your resource was awarded for.
      • If one resource was awarded as both Single Faller and a Faller Module, then VIPR added "SF" or "FM" to the Unique ID to distinguish between the two resource category types.

      It is important to note that if CBA points are associated with any attributes, the same points are retained, and there is no change to the vendor's position on the Dispatch Priority List.

    4. After the conversion, I walked through the Manage Your Resources wizard to view the resource attributes. I did not make any changes; however, the Finished step in the wizard has a message telling me that I need to request a modification to apply changes to my resource to the agreement. Why am I getting that message?

      You will see the message that your resources have changed, because your resource attributes on the modified converted agreement will NOT match what is on the pre-conversion agreement. Since VIPR made the changes necessary to convert your resources into the vendor application…

      • Your new agreement does have the resource changes made through the conversion modification.
      • Any differences with the attribute values between the pre-conversion agreement and the modified converted agreement will NOT affect the CBA points or the DPL ranking.

      No action is required by you regarding the conversion modification; however, if a Contracting Officer issues a subsequent modification that does require a vendor response, you will need to respond to the new modification usign the vendor application.

    5. I submitted a response to a solicitation using Formatta. I was awarded an agreement that has been converted. Where in the vendor application is the response that I submitted?

      Formatta responses were not converted into the vendor application—only agreements and the resources on those agreements for the specific resource types (Crew Carrier Bus, Clerical Support Unit, Fallers, GIS Units, Heavy Equipment, and Tents/Canopies) were converted.

      Vendors should have retained their original Formatta quote (PFF file type) in their local files; however, a vendor may contact their Contracting Officer for the PFF file.

      Note that in the vendor application, once a quote is awarded, the quote no longer appears in the My Quotes table, but the new agreement does appear in the My Agreements table.

    6. I submitted a response to a solicitation using Formatta. While I did not get an award, it is one of the types of resources that was converted, so why don't I see my resource in the vendor application?

      Only agreements and the resources on those agreements for specific resource types (Crew Carrier Bus, Clerical Support Unit, Fallers, GIS Units, Heavy Equipment, and Tents/Canopies) were converted from Formatta into the vendor application.

      If you submitted a response to one of these types of solicitations, but did not receive an award, your resources were not converted into the vendor application.

    7. -I want to use the same resource for a 2013 solicitation that I used for a 2010 solicitation. Can I use the same resource forms?

      No. You will need to manually enter your resource information into the vendor application. Many of the resource fields in the vendor application have changed since they were first introduced using the Formatta solution. Also, specifications for those resources may have changed as well, which will require you to enter new information into the resource wizard within the vendor application.

    Dispatchreturn to top

    1. Will VIPR be integrated with ROSS?

      Integration with ROSS is scheduled to be in place for the 2013 fire year.

    2. What procedures are used during mobilization?

      When ordering contracted equipment on an extended attack incident under Forest Service jurisdiction, the Dispatch Priority List (DPL) is always exhausted first. Once resources on the DPL are exhausted, orders will be placed using established dispatch procedures. Dispatchers may use agency(s) and cooperator owned equipment before using the DPL for contracted equipment.

    3. What procedures are used during demobilization?

      Contractors who provide equipment signed up on an incident at EERA shall be demobilized prior to equipment awarded on a competitive I-BPA. Vendors who bid and are awarded preseason competitive I-BPAs have priority to remain on the incident over at-incident sign-ups unless the Incident Commander determines it is necessary to deviate based on a specific incident need.

    4. Am I allowed to seek reassignment to other incidents once I am released back to my host dispatch center?

      No. Once released from the incident, you shall not seek out reassignments. Any new resource orders must originate from your host dispatch center.

    5. Am I allowed to be reassigned from one incident to another?

      Yes, based on resource need and availability of other resources, you may be reassigned from one incident to another.

    6. Is guidance available to help me choose a dispatch center?

      Basic information listing the dispatch center code and city/state is available at the Incident Procurement Web site.

    7. As the vendor, can I change the dispatch center on an agreement?

      You will be provided an opportunity to change your dispatch center through annual rollover modification.

    8. Can dispatch offices hold contract resources in reserve to provide support according to local preparedness levels?

      No. National solicitations for preseason I-BPAs for equipment state, "Upon receipt of a resource order by a host dispatch center, Government Dispatchers will not hold the Contractor resources in reserve as a contingency force in a non-pay status when that resource is available."

    9. Will dispatchers have access to VIPR reports?

      Yes, a dispatch data entry report is available from the dispatcher's Contracting Officer.

    Dispatch Priority Lists (DPLs)return to top

    1. What is a dispatch priority list (DPL)?

      The DPL is the list of vendors that dispatchers will use to fill orders for equipment on an incident. Priority ranking is based on price and advantages that are identified for a specific type of equipment.

    2. Will I be able to view the DPL?

      The DPLs are available at the Forest Service external Web site at http://www.fs.fed.us/business/incident/dispatch.php.

    3. How is the DPL generated?

      The DPL is generated by the host dispatch zone or Geographic Area Coordination Center (GACC), as specified in the solicitation. Priority ranking is based on price and advantages that are identified in the solicitation for a specific type of equipment.

    4. How will socioeconomic set-asides be applied in VIPR?

      OMB Memorandum M-09-23, dated July 10, 2009, affirmed that Small Business Administration (SBA) regulations provide for parity among all small business programs including 8(a), HUBZone, SDVOSB, WOSB, and EDWOSB (as applicable).

      Block 10 of the SF-1449 will indicate which socioeconomic categories, if any, the CO has targeted for that particular solicitation. Socioeconomic Status Advantage (solicitations issued after October 1, 2011) and Cascading Set-Aside Procedures (solicitations issued prior to October 1, 2011) are only applicable for the socioeconomic categories checked in Block 10 of the SF-1449.

      For solicitations issued after October 1, 2011, socioeconomic factors will be applied as an advantage as follows:

      • If the solicitation has no targeted socioeconomic categories (SF-1449 Block 10 is "unrestricted" or "small business set-aside" only), vendors are ranked by CBA scores.
      • If the solicitation targets a socioeconomic category or multiple categories (SF-1449 Block 10 includes checked boxes for socioeconomic categories) priority ranking for dispatch will be determined by applying a 5% advantage (to CBA scores) for each socioeconomic category checked in Block 10 of the SF-1449. A vendor meeting multiple targeted socioeconomic categories will receive multiple percentage points with a cap of 10%; for example if HUBZone, SDVOSB, and WOSB are all checked in Block 10 and a vendor qualifies as all three her advantage will be 10% for purposes of DPL placement.

      For solicitations issued prior to October 1, 2011, socioeconomic factors will be applied as follows:

      • If the solicitation has no targeted socioeconomic categories, vendors are only ranked by CBA scores.
      • Preference is only given to HUBZone and Service-Disabled, Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB) if the solicitation is set aside for that specific business type (as indicated by a check in Block 10 of the SF-1449).
        • If only set aside for HUBZone, those vendors will get preference over SDVOSB and other small businesses.
        • If set aside only for SDVOSB, those vendors will get preference over HUBZone and other small businesses.
      • If the solicitation is set aside for both HUBZone and SDVOSB:
        • For existing agreements made prior to 2010, HUBZone vendors will receive preference over SDVOSB vendors.
        • For the solicitations and resulting agreements made after 2009, HUBZone and SDVOSB vendors will be given equal preference before other small businesses.
    5. My company has a HUBZone business status. Why is a competitor, who does not have a HUBZone status, ranked higher than my company on the DPL?

      There are several possible explanations for the DPL ranking:

      If the solicitation is unrestricted, then vendors with any of the solicitation set aside business statuses (i.e. HUBZone, SDVOSB, etc.) will NOT receive any advantage over vendors who do not have these statuses. Priority ranking for dispatch will be determined by the method described in D.6.2 and no advantage will be given for business size or status for unrestricted solicitations.

      If the solicitation is set aside…

      • Vendors will receive 5% advantage for any business statuses they have that match the set asides of the solicitation; however, vendors cannot receive more than a 10% advantage. If Vendor A meets one of the set asides for the solicitation, then Vendor A will receive a 5% advantage. If Vendor B has multiple statuses that match the set asides of the solicitation, then Vendor B would receive a 10% advantage.
      • If Vendor B does not have any statuses that match the set asides of the solicitation, but Vendor B has a low rate that outweighs Vendor A's advantage, then Vendor B would have a higher ranking on the DPL than Vendor A.

      For more details about the Set Aside parity and how it is used in the DPL ranking, review FAQ #4 above or contact your Contracting Officer with any questions you have about the DPL process and your ranking.

    6. How is the DPL used to order equipment?

      When an order is received from the incident, the dispatcher will contact the first vendor on the list to fill the order. If that vendor is unavailable, the dispatcher will continue moving down the list until the order is filled.

    7. How are ties handled on a Dispatch Priority List?

      In the event of a tied CBA score for two or more vendors with awards within the same set-asides and same resource category within the same dispatch center, VIPR will apply a Labor Surplus Area ( LSA) preference in an attempt to break the tie. The LSA preferences will be:

      1. =LSA Status
      2. =No LSA Status

      If a tie still exists (e.g., two or more vendors are in a Department of Labor (DOL)-specified LSA or neither one is in an LSA), then VIPR applies a random programmatic function to resolve the tie and determine the ranking for those vendors on the DPL. NOTE: To determine if you are in an LSA, go to the Department of Labor Web site at http://www.doleta.gov/programs/lsa.cfm.

    8. What if I have questions about my ranking on the DPL?

      You should contact your Contracting Officer with any questions you have about the DPL process and your ranking.

    9. Through a novation modification, I have acquired another company's agreement. Whose small business and Labor Surplus Area statuses are associated with the agreement, mine or the original vendor's?

      Once a novation modification is signed by the Contracting Officer, the agreement will use the purchasing vendor's small business and Labor Surplus Area statuses. This means that the Dispatch Priority List will use the purchasing vendor's status to determine the ranking.

    10. How is the DPL used when an Incident Commander orders a specific piece of equipment with special attributes? (Example: A dozer with winch).

      If an incident orders a specific configuration of equipment (e.g., dozer with a winch) and the attribute appears on the DPL, the dispatcher will contact the first vendor on the list who has the equipment that meets the needs of the incident.

    11. Will the DPL be used for initial attack?

      For initial attack, dispatchers will follow the "closest forces" concept and utilize locally available resources according to agency and incident needs. Use of the DPL is not required during initial attack and contractor resources may or may not be used.

    12. If an extended attack fire has a blow up situation where structures are threatened and the IC wants additional resources for needed date/time immediately, do we still have to use the DPL to order resources?

      Yes, the DPL shall always be used except as provided in the agreement (i.e. initial attack, tribal preference policy established within reservation jurisdiction, see D.6.1).

    13. How will Dispatch Centers know if they are working off of the latest DPL list?

      Dispatchers need to use the DPLs that are posted to the VIPR Web site to ensure they are using the most up-to-date version. Since the DPLs can change frequently, dispatchers need to check the Web site frequently for updated lists and verify the date/time stamp listed on the DPL. COs will notify dispatchers when a change has been made to the DPL. Dispatchers should NOT print one copy of the DPL and use that copy for the entire season.

    14. What is a Resource List and how does it differ from the DPL?

      A resource list is generated for transports awarded in conjunction with heavy equipment (e.g. dozers, excavators, tractor plots). Within each small business program category, as defined in Section B, Method of Award - Cascading Set-Aside Procedure, equipment will be dispatched based on the attributes that best meet the needs of the government. This differs from a DPL in that vendors on DPLs must always be contacted in order of ranking.

    Help with the VIPR Vendor Application return to top

    1. Is there someone I can contact to get help with the vendor application?

      VIPR System technical support is available through the Interagency Incident Systems Helpdesk at:

      If you have questions about how to use the vendor application, you can use the Online Help, which is available in the footer of the application.

    2. I am a novice computer user and have some basic questions about how to use a computer, such as how to create a folder, rename a file, etc. Who can help me with these types of questions?

      For assistance with basic computer questions or to take a basic computer course, check into these resources:

    3. When working in the vendor application, what do I do if I get a serious server exception error that does NOT include a reference number for the Help Desk to refer to?

      If you get a serious server exception error message that does NOT include a reference number, then chances are your system has timed out. You can wait a while and try again or you might need a faster network connection. You would need to contact your Internet Service Provider to determine the network options that are available to you. If you continue to get this message, then contact the Interagency Incident Systems Helpdesk at helpdesk@dms.nwcg.gov or (866) 224-7677. Press Option 3 for VIPR/eAuth.

Last Modified: Aug 13, 2009 11:27:am EDT