United States Election Assistance Comittee

Register to Vote!

Use the National Mail Voter Registration Form to register to vote, update your registration information with a new name or address, or register with a political party.

Note: If you wish to vote absentee and are a uniformed service member or family member or a citizen living outside the U.S., contact the Federal Voting Assistance Program to register to vote.

EAC Newsletters
and Updates

Sign up to receive information about EAC activities including public meetings, webcasts, reports and grants.

Give Us Your Feedback

Share your feedback on EAC policy proposalsElection Resource Library materials, and OpenEAC activities. Give feedback on general issues, including the Web site, through our Contact Us page.

Military and Overseas Voters

EAC has several projects under way to assist states in serving military and overseas citizens who register and vote absentee under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. Learn more

Testing and Certification Comments

To view current comment opportunities, go here.

Voting System Test Laboratory Manual

This 30-day comment period ended at 11:59 p.m. EDT on October 17, 2011 (Comment period began September 16, 2011). Read the Federal Register Notice for additional information.

Voting System Test Laboratory Manual

This 60-day comment period ended at 11:59 p.m. EDT on September 6, 2011 (Comment period began July 5, 2011). Read the Federal Register Notice for additional information.

Testing and Certification Program Manual Version 1.0

This 30-day comment period ended at 11:59 p.m. EDT on May 4, 2011 (Comment period began April 4, 2011). Read the Federal Register Notice for additional information. It also included the following documents:

Accompanying Forms
Anomaly Reporting Form
Manufacturer Registration Form
Application for System Testing Form

Testing and Certification Program Manual Version 1.0

This 60-day comment period ended at 11:59 p.m. EDT on March 28, 2011 (Comment period began January 27, 2011). Read the Federal Register Notice for additional information. It also included the following documents:

Accompanying Forms
Anomaly Reporting Form
Manufacturer Registration Form
Application for System Testing Form 

Testing and Certification Program Manual Version 2.0 

This 60-day comment period ended at 5:00 p.m. EDT on January 31, 2011 (Comment period began November 30,2010). Read the Federal Register Notice for additional information.

UOCAVA Pilot Program Testing Requirements

This 30-day comment period ended at 4:00 p.m. EDT on April 30, 2010 (Comment period began March 29, 2010). This document defines requirements for conformance of remote electronic voting systems intended for use in UOCAVA pilot programs that manufacturers of such systems shall meet pursuant to EAC pilot program certification. Read the Federal Register Notice for additional information.

Comments Submitted

Voting System Pilot Program Testing & Certification Manual 

This 15-day comment period ended at 5:00 p.m. EDT on April 26, 2010 (Comment period began April 9, 2010). Read the Federal Register Notice for additional information.

Comments Submitted

Proposed Draft Revisions to 2005 Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG v.1.1)

This 120-day comment period ended at 5:00 p.m. EDT on September 28, 2009 (Comment period began June 1, 2009). Revisions will introduce immediate improvements in the quality and efficiency of the test process before the release of the next iteration of the guidelines. Read the Federal Register Notice and the supporting documents for additional information.

VVSG Version 1.1

Email and Mail Comments Only. View comments submitted online here.