Federal Aviation Administration

Destination 2025 Performance Report

Destination 2025 Performance Report

How are we doing?

Fiscal Year 2012 third quarter results include 21 of our 24 performance measures displayed as Green, each demonstrating successful target progress. Included in these Green measures is a continued Commercial Air Carrier Fatality rate of zero.

Two performance measures continue to display as Red in the Next Level of Safety goal area. The General Aviation Fatal Accident Rate is over its target not-to-exceed rate, however the rate has improved considerably since the first quarter and we continue to make strides in addressing this area. The FAA continues to look for opportunities for outreach and we are analyzing data to better understand the issues contributing to this rate in order to continue to develop mitigation initiatives. Runway Incursions (Category A and B) is also reporting red. As we usher in a new safety culture, we continue to realize an increase in incidents reported. Research is underway to continue to address and alleviate risk in the system. In the Aviation Access goal area Flight Predictability is currently displayed as yellow as the methodology for this measure continues to be developed.

All measures in the remaining goal areas of Global Collaboration, Workplace of Choice, and Sustain our Future are green.

What is Destination 2025?

Beginning in FY 2012, Destination 2025 replaced the Flight Plan as the FAA's strategic plan. Destination 2025 outlines the long-term, strategic vision for the agency, addressing the transformation of our nation's aviation system and the FAA itself over the next 15 years. This approach takes a holistic and aspirational view of the future and addresses five goal areas. Through Destination 2025, the FAA sets forth a plan to:

  • Move to the Next Level of Safety
  • Create the Workplace of Choice
  • Deliver Aviation Access through Innovation
  • Sustain Our Future
  • Improve Global Performance through Collaboration

The current FAA strategic plan is available for view or download at
http://www.faa.gov/about/plans_reports/media/Destination2025.pdf (PDF).

Where are we going?

In FY 2012, we continue to focus on safety, and meeting the needs of the future, including the development of the Next Generation Air Transportation System. The vast majority of our targets were attained in FY 2011 and the safety and capacity of the U.S. aviation system improved. As we move forward with Destination 2025 to shape the future of U.S. aviation, I know our continued progress towards meeting our performance targets rests upon the professionalism and dedication of our employees.

Page Last Modified: 08/27/12 12:00 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/plans_reports/Performance/