Office of the General Counsel (OGC)

General Counsel's Statutory Authority

The General Counsel has direct authority over, and responsibility for, all employees in the Office of the General Counsel, including employees of the General Counsel in the Regional OfficesSection 7104(f) of the Statute.  The Regional staff perform the following tasks on behalf of the General Counsel:

Management Structure of the Office of the General Counsel

The General Counsel has a management staff in the Authority's Headquarters, located in Washington, D.C., and seven Regional Offices.   Headquarters management staff provide administrative oversight, and develop policies, guidances, procedures, and manuals that provide programmatic direction for the OGC's seven Regions.  Each Regional Office has a Regional Director who provides leadership and management expertise for his or her respective Region.  The Dallas and Washington Regions also have a Regional Attorney and the San Francisco Region has a Deputy Regional Director to assist the Regional Director in the regional operations.